['The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned', from The Workes of our Antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, ed. by Thomas Speght (London: George Bishop, 1598), sig. Aaaa1r-Bbbb1v.]



Pad, bundell.
pace, appease.
paine mane, white bread.
pall, a robe.
pale, a spangle
paling, iagging
palmer, (vide Annot.)
panter, pitfall
panters, toiles to take deare
peraunter, perchance
paraments, robes of estate, or the place where robes are kept.
parage, parentage.
parfay, verily.
partner, by parts
purprise, enclosure, deuise
paramours, louers
pauade, (pugio) a dagger, or bastard.
paplardy, hipocrisie.
pease, stay.
pelure, costlie fur.
pennes fele, manie pence.
pencell, a peece.
pencell, banner.
penon, a long streamer.
penible, painfull.
pell, house.
peregrine, outlandish.
perienct, a yong peare tree.
peri, a peare tree.
perre, a monument erected for remembrance.
perry, precious stones.
perre, brauerie with precioius stones.
permagall, equall.
perse, skie colour.
peregall, equall.
peruise, bar, or railes.
peruinke, hearbe periwincle.
perry wrigh, embrodered with pearle.
pierry, precious stone.
pight, propped.
pight fell, did strike.
pight, cast.
pight, setled.
piment, (pigmentum) a drink of wine and honie.
pine, desire.
pine, sorrow. pine, pitie.
pinant, a pined creature.
pine, a pit.
pithonesse, a witch.
play, goe.
plenere, fully.
plight, catched, pulled, turned.
plumage, feathers.
plumtuous, fruitfull.
pointell, a writing pin.
pomely grise, dapple gray.
pomell, round as a mans crowne.
popelet, puppet or young wench.
popere, a bodkin.
poraile, base, beggarly.
porpheri, marble.
portray, draw.
possed, tossed.
pose, suppose.
poste, power.
postome, (struma) a wenne or swelling.
potent, staffe or cruch.
poudar marchant,
pounced, cut.
poudered, embrodered.
prefer, excell.
presen, tread on.
pregnant, full, thicke.
pray, request.
preued, hardy.
prefect, magistrate.
prien, looke.
pricksoure, a rancke rider.
prill and pointen, gore, and strike.
preueth, reproueth.
prow, honour.
prow, good, or profit.
puella, (vide Annot.)
pullail, wild foule.
purfled, garded.
purfle, gard or fringe.
putre, fornication.
puruay, prouide.
puruayaunce, prouidence.


[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]