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Sixteenth Century Society Conference CFP

The Sixteenth Century Society Conference will hold its 2013 annual meeting on October 24-27 at the Caribe Hilton Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico.  Alas, while the Conference’s chosen resort setting for 2013 cannot hope to hope to emulate the heady charms and distinctive smells of downtown Cincinnati’s gritty urban landscape (so enjoyed by last year’s participants), I’m nevertheless confident conference-goers can find *something* to keep them occupied among the hotel’s beaches, palm trees, pools, and no doubt plentiful tropical beverages (the piña colada was invented at this hotel, believe it or not) during the times panels are not in session.

And if none of the above tempts you, well, perhaps the island setting will inspire a group of Spenserians to make a journey down to the shoreline for a dramatic and be-costumed reading of FQ V.iv.1-20, followed by a learned disquisition on the law of salvage and the relative merits of Bracidas’s and Amidas’s cases.  It will be edge-of-your-beach-chair entertainment!

For more information, please visit the SCSC website at .  It will be hard to match the rich and stimulating selection of papers on Sidney, Spenser, and the Sidney circle that we enjoyed last October in Porkopolis, but I’d love to see us try!  That said, my fellow conference organizers and I are looking forward to considering all papers dealing with any aspect of early modern literature or culture submitted to the English-literature track.  If your current focus is not Spenser and/or Sidney and his circle, please do submit a proposal reflecting your most recent interests. The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2013.  In the past, SCSC has been flexible with submission dates.  Such is the interest in this year’s conference, however, that I don’t think that will be the case for the San Juan meeting.  Therefore, please try to get your panel or paper submission in as soon as you can and certainly before March 15.

Questions may be directed to .


Cite as:

"Sixteenth Century Society Conference CFP," Spenser Review 42.2.29 (Winter 2013). Accessed May 3rd, 2024.
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