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44.1 (Spring-Summer 2014)

Editor's Choice

In “Allegory and Our Discontents,” Ayesha Ramachandran responds to Judith Anderson’s recent work with a provocative question: what might our collective fascination with allegory reveal about possible futures for theory and critical practice? Read more … 

Response to Teskey

In “A Response to Gordon Teskey,” Joe Moshenska wonders, “Why Can’t Spenserians Stop Talking About Hegel?” (Not that that’s a bad thing.) Read more …

Inescapable Romance

In an review essay on three recent studies of Romance, Jeff Dolven queries our peculiar, seemingly inevitable affinity for the genre.  Read more … 

A Cartesian Renaissance

Our Book Review Editor, J. B. Lethbridge, offers an extended reflection on issues raised by recent German scholarship on Neo-Platonism and philosophical skepticism in the Renaissance.  Read more … 

Translation Studies

In an wide-ranging essay that is part omnibus review and part manifesto, Joshua Reid looks at the state of the art in English Renaissance translation studies.  Read more … 

Forum: Our Readers Respond

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