
As part of the COPIA project, a division of the Cambridge English Renaissance Electronic Service, Hap Hazard was originally conceived in collaboration with Dr Raphael Lyne and Dr Gavin Alexander. Throughout its development to date, they have offered continual and expert support of many kinds. Without them, I would never have begun. The broadest thanks are likewise due to Dr Colin Burrow and to the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge, for accommodating the site, as part of CERES, on the Faculty server.

The text and reproductions of the Gonville and Caius College Library manuscript of A view of the present state of Ireland are published here with the generous permission of the Master and Fellows of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. I am also grateful in particular to the Librarian of the College, Mr Jeremy Prynne, for access to the manuscript, and to Mark Statham, Under-Librarian, for his help in obtaining photographs. Thanks are due, too, to the staff of the College Library for their courteous treatment, and to the photography department at the University Library, Cambridge, for their help with microfilms and photographs. Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green offered advice on the thornier palaeographical problems.

Christopher Burlinson, recently bearing co-portion of this pack, has emerged as co-editor of Spenser's secretarial letters. His zealous labors are acknowledged more exactly in the Spenser Letters section, but I thank him here for his enthusiasm and support.

Many others have read drafts, commented on design, checked transcriptions, and advised on matters technical and personal. Thanks are due especially to Amelia Sandy, Nicholas Canny, Elizabeth Fowler, and Tom Lockwood.

Whatever within is worthy I commend to my great-hearted wife, Fionnuala.

This page is maintained by Andrew Zurcher, and was last updated on .
