['The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned', from The Workes of our Antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, ed. by Thomas Speght (London: George Bishop, 1598), sig. Aaaa1r-Bbbb1v.]



Abawed, abashed, daunted.
abraid, arose, recouered.
abrayd, breake off.
abandon, libertie.
abyme, from below.
abyt, dwelleth.
abydst, suffered.
abent, a steepe place, a proiminent or hanging hill.
abet, letting on.
abedge, abide.
abyding, state.
abode, receiued.
acale, cooled.
ackele, coole.
accesse, ague.
accoy, asswage.
accoyed, pampred.
acroke, awrie.
adashed, abashed.
adawed, awaked.
aduentaile, coate armour.
afare, a noise.
affray, assault.
affray, feare, stirre.
affray, sturdines.
affy, haue trust.
afine, fined.
agasteth, fearreth.
agilted, offended.
agilt, committed.
agipe, a coat full of pleights.
agiler, a marker of men.
agramed, greeued.
agryse, astonished.
agryse, quaile.
agryse, to be afraid.
agriseth, causeth to quake.
agredge, aggrauate.
agroted, (ingurgitatus) cloyed.
agrose, daunted.
agrose, was agreued.
alust, remooue.
alaies, waies, temperature.
alay, a song.
aledgement, ease.
aledge, ease.
aledged, diminished.
aledgement, release.
all a bone, made request.
algates, notwithstanding.
algates, euer.
alestake, a maypole, or alebush.
aldrian, (vide annot.)
als, aswell.
als, also.
alswa, also.
algate, altogither.
algates, for all that.
algates, euen now.
alcalt, Nightshade.
almagist, a worke of Astronomie, written by Ptolomie.
alixer, Quintessence of golde.
alures, walkes.
allaunds, grayhounds.
ally, kinne.
Amadriades, Nymphes that die and liue with the trees.
Amalgaminge, (mixtura ex hydragero cum metallis.)
amenuused, diminished.
ametised, quenched.
anney, annoy.
anoy, forethink.
annueler, seculer
anygate, occasion.
appareil, prepare.
appall, decay.
appeteth, desireth.
apies, medicines of Oppium.
apposen, demaund.
aprentise, skill.
aprise, aduenture.
aquite, match.
aquiler, needle case.
arace, (convellere) to deface.
arest, stay: or, durance.
arblasters, crossebowes.
aret, account.
arret, to charge.
arrest, quietnes.
aretted, accounted.
aretteth, layeth blame.
arrere, apart, aside.
arist, arose.
arite, arest, or stay.
argotle, clay.
arsenecke, ratsbane.
arten, constraine.
arke, compasse.
ascaunces, as who should say, as though.
askaunce, if perchaunce.
askaunce, aside.
askes, ashes, (cinis.)
ashate, buying.
asure, blew.
aswith, forthwith, by and by.
assised, sure, firme.
assoyle, answere.
assoylen, declare.
asseth, assent.
assise, order.
astert, passed.
astert, let passe.
asterlagour, Astrolabe.
attaint, tried.
attaint, found out.
atained, set on broch.
atterly, extremely.
attenes, at ones.
at erst, in earnest, indeed.
atcheked, choked.
attoure, towards.
attoure, attire for women.
athamant, adamant.
athroted, cloied.
atwin, asunder.
attwyte, to make blameworthy.
avaunt, a bragge.
auaunt, forward.
attaunt, a pace.
avale, go downe.
auenant, agreeable.
auer, briberie.
auelace, (vertinella) the rings or gymewes of a bagge.
aureat, golden.
aumer, amber.
aumener, cubbard.
augrimstones, to cast account withall.
autentike, of antiquitie
autem, song.
autremite, another attire.
auntreth, maketh aduenture.
awayte, watch, circumspection.
awayte, more adoe, tarrying.
awayts, (insidi¾) ambushments.
award, iudgement.
awhaped, amased.
awhere, a desire.
awreketh, reuengeth.
axes, the ague.
ayle, euer.
ay, an egge.


[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]