Cadence, prose.
caitifned, chained.
calot, a lewd woman.
caleweis, calure, as Salmon or other fish.
calked, cast.
camised, flat nosed.
canceline, chamlet.
caroll, a song or daunce.
carecks, markes.
capell, an horse.
catapuce, spurge.
canell, Synamon tree.
celerer, (promptuarius) a butler.
cell, a studie.
ceruse, white ledde.
cerriall, (vide annot.)
comaunce, communitie.
chaffare, buying and selling.
chaunters, singers.
chiche, niggardly.
chauntepleure, that singeth & weepeth togither.
chalons, blankets, couerings.
chasteleyne, a gentlewoman of a great house.
champartie, maintaining a quarrell.
chapelet, garland.
charters, writings.
chest, (subiectum) subiect.
chert, loue.
cheuisance, merchandise.
chelandri, a goldfinch.
cheort, loue, iealousie.
cheuesayle, gorget.
cheuice, redeeme.
chertes, merry folke.
cherisaunce, comforts.
cheue, thriue.
chese, chuse.
chekelaton, a stuffe like motly.
chincheri, niggardlines.
chiuauchie, cheualry, riding.
chimbe, the vttermost part of the barrell.
chirking, chattering, noise.
chirking, (stridens) crashing.
chite, chideth.
churle, slaue.
cierges, waxe chandles, lamps.
citriale, (samba) a giterne.
clarions, trumpets.
clary, wine and hony mingled.
clepen, call.
clergion, a clarke.
clenched, fastened.
clicket, a key.
clippeth, embraceth.
clipping, halsing, clipping, embracing.
clymbe, found.
clomben, ascended.
clotlefe (personata) a great bur.
clum, a note of silence.
coilons, stones.
coint, straunge.
couth, knowen, knowe.
couth, perfitly.
couercle, couer or lidde.
courtpie, a short gaberdine, or vpper garment.
coupegorge, a cutthrote.
controue, inuent.
couth, was able.
courfine, fine heart.
couine, deceit.
couenable, conuenient.
coulpe, fault.
coure, kneele, stoupe.
contecke, strife.
conisaunce, knowledge.
controue, deuise.
conterpleted, controlled.
conuaile, recouer.
colfoxe, blacke foxe.
compinabel, fit for companie.
commoning, partaking.
commensall, a table companion.
compere, gossip.
connen, can.
con, knowe.
cop, top.
cope, a cloke.
con, be able.
corrumpeth, stinketh.
coruen, taken.
cardiacle, wringing at the heart.
cordewane, dry leather.
corbets, stones whereon Images stand.
coriged, corrected.
corate, ouercome.
costrell, a wine pot.
costay, to walke.
costage, cost.
coyle, iolines.
coy, to flatter.
coy, quiet.
crallit, engrauen.
crampesh, gnaweth.
crull, smooth.
cresse, a rush.
creance, faith or trust.
cruke, a pot, a steane.
crispe, curled.
croupe, buttocke.
crouched, blessed.
crockets, lockes of haire.
crosselet, a melting pot.
crop, top.
crouch, crosse or blesse.
crocke, earthen pot.
croudest, hurtlest, thrustest.
crone, an old woman.
culleth, pulleth, enforceth.
culpons, heapes.
culpons, parts or streakes (particula)
curfew, (vide annot.)
cure bulli, tanned leather.
curreidew, currie fauour.
cytrin, yellow.
[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]