['The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned', from The Workes of our Antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, ed. by Thomas Speght (London: George Bishop, 1598), sig. Aaaa1r-Bbbb1v.]



Fage, fable, or tale.
fare, chere.
fairie, a goodly sight.
fare, faire.
fare, to goe.
fare, gone.
farce, paint.
fast freits, ful fraughted.
fassed, stuffed.
farden, fare.
falsed, falsified.
fay, truth.
fatome, fancie.
fantome, vaine vision.
faw, faine.
faw, glad.
famulers, helpers.
falding, (falinga) a kinde of course cloth.
faytors, deceiuers.
feest, comfort, ioy
feete, fine.
feffe, endue.
feture, hansomnes.
fethered, shaked his wings.
fere, a companion.
fers, the queene in chesseplay.
fele, many.
feltred, tangled.
fendly, vgly.
ferthing, a thinne skale.
fellon, deadly.
fele homages, faithfull subiection.
ferly, straunge,
fele, knowledge.
fell, skinne.
fermaces, medicines.
ferth, the fourth.
fenne, (vide Anno.)
fermentation, dawbing.
fetise, handsome.
fermerere, ouerseer of cattell and husbandry.
finance, end.
fine, cease.
flaw, yelow.
flash of flames, a sheafe of arrowes.
flaming, red.
flemer, expeller.
flebring, slaunder.
fleeten, abound.
flemed, daunted.
flight, or flite, to chide.
flyd, flye.
flode, abounded.
floreth, flourisheth.
flone, an arrow.
flo, an arrow.
floyting, whistling.
fortuna maior, Iupiter.
formel, his make.
forge, worke.
fordyd, killed.
forward, course, promise, condition.
forfare, forlorne.
forleten, forlorne.
fore, fared or gone.
forlete, forsake.
forleien, erre, wander.
forfraught, beset.
forth, theft.
foreine, iaques.
forleteth, giueth ouer.
forrey, destroy.
forleten, forsake.
fordo, kill.
foreleten, neglected.
forlyth, spoileth.
fort, strong.
fortage, meate.
forwyned, withered.
forwelked, (marcidus) dried vp.
foyeten, let passe.
forlaine, rechased, termes of hunting.
foryede, ouerwent.
forcer, a coffer or chest.
forleten, giue ouer.
forrage, fodder.
for the nones, purposely.
fong, take.
fond, contend.
fonden, labour.
fond, to make a foole.
fond, make.
fonne, to be foolish.
fonne, foole.
fongeth, taketh.
foison, plentie.
foyterers, vagabonds.
foison, store.
foiles, leaues.
foote hote, straightway.
founes, deuises.
fowlefaile, erre greatly.
fownd, framed.
foltli, rashly.
fomen, enemies.
frayned, asked.
franchise, freedome.
frayne, aske.
frayned, restrained.
frape, companie.
fret, turne.
fret, fraught.
fretfull, set full.
fret, a circle.
fremeth, maketh strange mone.
frened, strange.
frote, to rubbe.
frend, strange.
fremed, wilde.
fremd, strange.
freelte, libertie.
freel, fraile.
froy, from you.
frouncen, make a noise, wrinkling.
froyse, (frixura) a pancake or tansey.
frounce, a wrinkle.
frouncles all play, plaine, vnwrinkled.
froteth, rubbeth, chafeth.
fryth, wood.
fuir, furie.
fulke, hollow place.
fysh, the signe Pisces.
fyrcleuin, lightning.


[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]