Gadling, stragler.
gawde, trifle.
gaitere berries, (virga sanguinea) Gayter tree, or prickeweed.
gab, prate or lie.
galiard, lustie, frolike.
gale, chafe.
Galians, Galens workes.
galpeth, belcheth.
gale, flout.
galoch, a kind of shoe.
Ganilian, (vide Annot.)
gargoning, strange speaking.
garison, to defend.
garnison, separation.
gastnes, terror.
Gawen. (vide Annot.)
gend, seemely.
gent, proper, hansome.
gergon, chattering, prating.
gere, frensie, iest.
gery gerifull, mutable: sometime, cruell.
gesseram, brestplate.
gigs, drabs.
gigges, (garrulitas) babling.
gigging, sounding.
gigglotlike, like a strumpet.
gippion, a dublet or light cote.
gipsere, a bag or pouch.
gite, a gowne.
glareth, glistereth.
glase, to glose.
gleden, gone.
gledes, imbers, flames.
glede, hote fire.
glede, puttocke.
gleire, white.
glent, glaunced.
gleue, a speare or sword.
glombe, frowne.
glose, flatter: also, perswade.
gloton, couering.
glowed, stared.
gnarre, a hard knotte, as in wood: or, a short thick grub.
gnast, gnash-wexe.
gnew, gnawed.
gnoffe, chuffe, miser.
gods kichell, (vide Annot.)
gods soune, that god sendeth.
gofish, sottish.
golit, throte.
golierdies, rauenously mouthed.
gonfennon, a little flagge.
gong, iaques.
goodmes, good time or mood.
gore, arbour: also a pleit or fold, (lacinia.)
gorget, throat.
gossamor, things that flie in the aire in sommer like cobwebbes.
gourd, bottell.
gowreth, stareth.
grach, behaue.
grame, punishment, sorowe.
grapewell, an instrument with many hookes.
graspeth, catcheth.
grauen, buried.
graunt mercie, I thanke you.
grayeth, make trim.
grathed, deuised.
gre, estate.
grece, grey: Grey Amyse of Russie Squirrels.
grede, I cryed.
greith, remooue, bring.
grenhed, rashnes.
grete, weepe.
greues, trees, boughes.
greues, grasse.
greined, made.
grint, grinded.
grith, agreement.
grisly, abominably.
grofly, flat on the ground.
groine, a froward looke.
growbed, digged.
growse, groueling.
gruell, potage.
gryll, cold.
guerdon them, reward them.
guerring, brawling.
gullet, throat.
gy, guide.
gyre, traunce, dumpe, fitte.
gyrd, to strike.
gysarme, a certaine weapon, (gasa.)
gytes, gownes.
[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]