['The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned', from The Workes of our Antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, ed. by Thomas Speght (London: George Bishop, 1598), sig. Aaaa1r-Bbbb1v.]



Laas, (laqueus) net, or grin
lacke, to contemne.
lacking, discommending.
lacte, offence.
lache, lasie.
lachesse, lasines.
lacke, (vitupero) to dispraise.
lacken, extenuate.
lacert, a sinew.
lake, fine cloth like lawne.
laft, enclosed.
laft, left of.
languerth, languisheth.
largesse, liberalitie, reward.
larson, robberie.
laton, latten, copper.
laton, a box of latin.
latred, loitring.
lath, barne.
laund, a plaine between trees
lauen, draw emptie.
lauender, laundresse.
laued, drew.
laies, songs.
lay, a lamenting song.
lainers, (corrigia) thonges.
lease, praise.
ledge, laie.
lech, surgian, or phisition.
lees, leasing.
lees, release.
lectorne, a deske.
leden, language.
lech, like.
lefe, loth.
lefe, leuer, deare.
lefe, wont.
left, lust.
leged, resident.
legging, lodging.
legisters, lawiers.
lefe, willing.
leit, light.
lele, right lawfull.
lemes, light, flames, shining, streames.
lends, loines, (lumbi.)
lere, complexion, colour.
lere, skinne.
lesingour, liar.
lessell, (vmbraculum) bush, or houell.
lete, cease, leaue.
lete, to leaue of.
lethy, soft.
letargy, a disease causing forgetfulnesse.
letarge, white lead.
leting, leauing.
letest fare, makest shew.
lettrure, booke learned.
leud, ignorant.
leue, let, or suffer.
leue, deare.
leue, beleeue, releeue.
leue vs, grant vs.
leuer, better.
leueth, beareth.
leueth, releeueth.
leueth, remaineth.
leueth, taketh leaue.
leuesell, bush.
lith, lieth.
lignes, liketh, yeeldeth.
liege, lawfull, true.
lisse, a border, end, limite.
lodemanage, skill by stone and needle.
lodesmen, guides.
lollards, londles, breakers of fasting daies & runnagates.
loppe, a spider.
lorne, lost.
lore, knowledge, or learning.
lortell, (lurco) a deuourer.
losenger, flatterer.
loose, praise.
losengery, flattery.
losinges, square figures.
lose, order.
loteby, companion, or loue.
louting, honouring.
louke, a fellow receiuer.
louedaies, arbitrements.
low, fire, heat.
lushbrugh, a base coyne in the daies of Edward the third.
liard, nimble.
liart, gentle, lith.
liche, like.
licand, well liking.
lisse, release.
lisse, to haue lesse.
lissed, bounded.
lisse, ease.
lisse, waxe lesse.
lift haulfe, on her left hand.
limaile, the dust that commeth of filing.
literly, slouthfully.
lith, (membrum) a lim.
lithy, humble.
lith, plaine.
lith, to make lesse.
liuen, beleeue.


[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]