Magonell, an instrument to cast stones.
make his beard, deceiue him
make it, hinder it.
malebouch, wicked mouth.
malure, mischance.
malison, a curse.
malt, melted.
malleable, abide the hammer.
marke of Adam, mankind.
masseday, holiday.
mastling, shining.
mate, mad.
mate, pined, consumed.
mate, tame.
mate, daunted.
mate, abashed.
matire, matter.
mauger, despite.
many, madnesse.
mauis, bushell.
Maumet, a false god.
maint, mingled.
maisondeu, an hospitall.
mazeline, mazer.
mede, reward.
medes, to boot.
mede, fauour, reward.
megre, leane.
meint, mingled.
meke, be meeke.
melite, power.
merke, darke.
mees, meddowes.
mest, most.
mesell, leaper, lazerman.
messagry, diligence in doing a message.
met, dreamed.
mete, deale.
mete, yeeld.
meth, a kind of sweet drinke.
mewet, in secret.
misbode, wrong by word or deed.
miscreance, infidels.
misqueme, displease.
mistaken, misused our selues.
mistere, trade, seruice, occupation, manner, fashion.
mister, nede, (indigentia.)
mistiheed, mistery.
missat, became not.
mitches, manchets.
mineth, threatneth.
modesie, moderate.
moeble, housholdstuffe.
mokell, bignes.
molles, Kistrels.
mollocke, earth, or dung.
momblishnesse, taulke.
mon, might.
monest, admonish
moniers, coyners
mormall, a canker
morter, a lampe
mortreis, a meat made of boiled hens, crummed bread, yolkes of egs, and saffron, all boiled together.
moten, must doe.
mote, must goe.
mourdant, the tong of a buckle.
mouch, eat vp all.
mowlen, waxe mould.
mowen, (posse) be able.
motle, a dish made of marrow and grated bread.
moison, ripenesse.
mullocke, dust, dung.
musard, lingerer.
minting, endeuouring.
mirror, a glasse.
[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]