['The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned', from The Workes of our Antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, ed. by Thomas Speght (London: George Bishop, 1598), sig. Aaaa1r-Bbbb1v.]



Raa, a Roe
rabiat, mad.
racine, root
rade vore, tapistry, or loome worke.
rackell, hasty.
raft, rent.
raffles, rifling.
ragounces, a kind of precious stone.
rakestele, the handle of a rake.
ramagious, wild.
ramage, wild.
rape, hast.
rape, quickly.
raskaile, trash.
rath, quickly.
raught, went.
ranke as roke, hoarse as a rouke.
rauish, take, cary.
rauishing sweigh, a swift sway.
rauenish, blacke as Rauen.
railed, ran.
raynes, fine cloth named of the place.
reare, (rarus) deuided.
reberke, an old trot.
recke not, care not.
recreaunt, dispaired.
recketh, careth.
recreant, out of hope.
recreance, against credit.
recreandise, Infidelity, treason.
redelesse, helplesse.
redoure, turning, doubling.
redeth, biddeth, auiseth.
red, aduise.
rede, helpe.
red, the meaning.
refecte, full.
refreide, refraine.
refuit, helpe.
refroiden, coole, cease.
regrate, curtesie, or estimation.
reigne, kingdome.
reiue, take away.
reies, kinds of songs as roundels.
reketh, smoketh.
rekelnesse, rashnesse.
relaies and limers, standers at aduantage with darts to kill deare.
remord, giue remorse.
remuable, (mobilis) ready.
renably, readily.
renged, compassed about.
renkes, rankes, orders.
reny her lay, deny her faith, or law.
reniant, reuolter.
renouell, renue.
renouelen, newly returne.
renouelantes, renuings.
remew, refuse.
renue, pull, get.
repe, care.
rescowes of our lay, defence of our law.
reue, pull away.
reues, rents, tithes.
reners, contrary.
reue, spoile, rob.
reuell, sport.
ribanings, borders.
ribaned, garded.
riband, (leno) a baud.
ribib, an old baud.
ribible, rebecke, fiddle, or Giterne.
rife, rifle.
rimpled, (rugatus) wrinckled.
riue, rend.
roche, rocke.
rofe, did rend or strike.
rode, complection.
roggeth, ioggeth.
raignous, ruinous.
roine, skarre.
roile, range.
roket, a linnen garment.
romant, a briefe history.
romed, walked.
romer, wider.
ronges, the sides of a ladder.
rosiall, red.
rosere, a rose plat.
rote, course.
rote, an instrument of musicke.
rouncy, a rude horse.
rounceuall, a great iade.
roundell, song, or carroll.
routhlesse, pitilesse.
rought, cared.
roune, cease.
rought, cared.
roune, to tell in ones eare.
row, forwardly.
rowned, spoken in the eare.
rowning, talking secretly.
rowning, silence.
rowketh, lieth.
row, vgly.
rowes, streikes.
rubeus, puella, (vide Annot.)
rucking, lying, lurking.
rubricke, (vide Annot.)
rud, complexion, colour.
rue, lament.
ruell bone,
ruse, take pity.
riddeled, plaited.
riueling, turning in and out.
rining, dropping.


[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]