['The old and obscure words of Chaucer, explaned', from The Workes of our Antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed, ed. by Thomas Speght (London: George Bishop, 1598), sig. Aaaa1r-Bbbb1v.]



Taas, an heape.
taberd, an heralds coat.
tacoy, to plucke to.
taches, pranckes.
takell, feather, or arrow.
talages, paiments.
talent, desire.
tale, taile.
tane, take.
tapinage, secresie, slilinesse.
tapite, tapistry.
tassay, to assay.
tatch, tetch, craft.
taylagiers, taxgatherers.
taylages, toll, custome.
tech, touch.
temps, time.
teme, text.
temen, bind, or lay.
tenhaunce, set out.
testers, skul, sallets.
testife, wild brained.
tetch, fashion, also a staine.
tetches, frowardnesse.
tewell, chimney.
textele, well seene in the text.
teyne, ingot.
thanke, reward.
thare, there.
thanks, actes, enterprise, labour, reward.
thankeheld, thankeworthy.
thascry, outcry.
thauentaile, coat of male.
thech, plaine, smooth.
theke, such.
theu, although.
theiche, plaine, manifest,
thewes, qualities
thence, get, find, catch
thedome, trhiuing
thirlled, iugulauit.
tho, those.
tholed, suffered.
thore, beefore
thorrucke, heape
thorpe, a towne, village
thrages, busie matters
threpe, affirme
thremot, blash of and horne
threst, oppresse
threke, thrust
thriueth, springeth
thring, thrust
thringing, thrusting
thrilled, killed
throw, time
throw, a while
throw, anger, hast
thriled, pierced
timbesteres, plaiers on sounding instruments
tissue, a lace
tiflers, triflers
tid, happened.
tite, befalleth.
titen, teare.
toder, the other.
tole, clout, toy.
tomblesterers, tumblers.
tombisteres, tumblers, dauncers.
to mine, to entend.
tone, clawes.
tonne great, as great as a tun.
torcencious, vsing extortion.
torrets, rings.
tort, extortion.
totoler, prating.
totty, disty.
tournet, a turret.
tout, hole.
tolitan, expans, roots, collect, Alnath, (vide Annot.)
transmew, change.
trauers, ouerthwart, a curtaine.
traile, an arbour.
traue, a treuis to shoe a wild horse in.
trete, to handle.
tretes, streight.
tregit, deceit.
trete, handle.
trenchant, sharp, well cutting, (vel versatilis) bowing.
trew, truce.
trepeget, a Ram to batter wals.
trectes, streight.
tregetor, iugler.
trice, conuay.
trip, a peece.
trist, (meta) a marke.
trill, turne.
troce, a wreath, or wyth.
truandise, idlenesse.
tul, lure.
tulsurelike, tilckil-like.
tway, two.
twettell, knife.
twyfold, double.
twy, two.
twytten, carued out.
twyn, seperate.
twyn, depart.
twyst, thrust.
twyst, pinched.
twyn, to take away.
twynned, parted.
twyght, drawne, pulled.
twyereth, singeth.


[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]