Wades boat, (vide Annot.)
wait, marke
warison, reward.
warble, a sound.
warnstore, fortifie.
warren, graunt.
warned, denied.
wardcorse, a watcher ouer one.
warrangles, (vide Annot.)
warished, eased, deliuered.
warish, saue, deliuer, driue away.
ware, marke.
wary, consume.
warenstored, defended.
warned, denied.
waltsome, lothsome.
wastle bread, fine cimnell.
wangs, (molares) great teeth.
wantcust, mistrust.
waped, daunted.
wawes, waues, streames.
way, to guide.
waymenting, lamenting.
wayned, put backe.
wayue, to turne from.
wayuen, forsake.
wayued, remoued.
wed, pledge.
wede, apparrell.
weld, to haue in gouernment.
welefull, wealthy.
wenen wisely, thinketh verily.
welden, to moue.
welked, withered.
well, to spring.
welke, withered.
welbegone, in good plight
welt, ruled.
welkneth, drieth, fainteth.
weldy, nimble.
welmeth, riseth.
welked winers, withered vine braunches.
wreker, (vltor) reuenger.
wend, by gesse.
wend, thought.
wene, doubt.
went, wened.
went, a doubt.
wenden, thinke.
wemles, blameles.
wendest, goest: also supposest.
werne, denie.
werne, denie.
werne, put aside.
were, to defend.
werrey, destroy.
were, a maze or doubt.
werdes, guides.
werry, banne, curse.
werbles, notes of musick.
wernings, denials.
werryed, banished.
werth, deseruing.
werkes, aketh.
werre, griefe.
westerne, to draw to West.
westreth, setteth at West.
wetten, knowe.
wex, encrease.
wexen, wish.
weyue, forsake, put backe.
weyued, put away.
weyueth, leaueth.
weyue, turne from.
wyche, an arke or chest.
wicke, stinking, noysome.
whele, round.
whilke, which.
wight, swift.
wight, weight.
wyle, deceit.
wynt, windeth, draweth.
wynne, to complaine.
wysse, saue themselues.
wysty, euen.
wysse, knowe.
wytest, blamest.
wyte, to blame.
wymple, a kercher or vaile.
wyt, know.
wyshe, washed.
wyst, knowen.
wythsit, withstand.
wite, blame.
wythkinds, after course of kind.
wysse, shew, make know.
wycke, counterfait.
wynder, to trim her.
wyshen, wash.
withsey, deny.
wysse, aduise.
wyerds, destinies.
wyne Ape, (vide annot.)
wlate, slacken.
wood, mad.
wodshaw, wood side.
won, store, plentie.
wone, dwelling place.
wones, dwelling.
wonne, remedy.
wonne, a fashion or wont.
wonde, turne back.
wonning, dwelling.
worth, ascend.
wost, knowest.
worth vp, get vp.
wrale, bestow in wrangling.
wrathed, moued to anger.
wrawnes, frowardnes.
wreche, wrath.
wreche, reuenge.
wrath him, anger him.
wrekery, reuenge.
wreken, reuenge.
wreme, compasse about.
wrene, couer.
wrenches, trappes.
wro, griefe, anger.
wroth, disagreeing.
wroth, sorowfull.
wry, couer.
wryen, couered.
wryne, couer.
wryeth, getteth.
wrygh, couered.
wrytheth, casteth out.
wryen, chaunge.
[Basic editorial conventions: black letter font reproduced in bold face, Roman in plain text, and italic in italic face. Lineation has been preserved, and accidents/errata of the original text preserved.]