Textual Notes

This online transcription of Edmund Spenser's A vewe of the present state of Ireland (1596) is based on Gonville and Caius College Library MS 188/221. Textual notes on this manuscript appear below and can be used alongside the transcription while reading; simply click on the blue dot () at any point in the text, and the corresponding note will appear in this box. For a full statement of transcription methods, including directions on how to use the textual notes, see the transcription policy.

Page Note
3 {Title note: for a discussion of the note on authorship appearing at the head of this manuscript, see the Reader's Notes; the original text here reads 'Edward': a later hand has underlined 'ward' and added 'mund' above the line}
effecting ye same, then of anie soche fatall course or appointment
parte ^of a desperate phisition to wishe his diseased pacient dead, rath[er]
4 in the menage of publique affaiers & pollicie, The
after wch there will ¼happs of it self appere
¼scribe a diet wth straight rules & ordres to ^bee daily
5 n•e••
6 them made vpp and smothered. And this Iudge beinge as
7 subiection yett the same Brehõ Lawe is privilye practised
wrought therunto acknowledged k henry for their souraigne {not noted in Variorum}
his laws and obedience & in case it hadd ben followed vppon them
8 iu•
soe all the Irishe doe holde their land by Tanistrye {and so below-Ellesmere MS has 'Tanist/ry for 'Tamist/ry'}
by us
9 next
cions {original 'observacions' changed to 'observors'}
10 they are nowe soe Called And soe it maie well be
¼liament by their said acknoweledgmt they wayved
11 ing
12 ex
it then that yowe seme to disleike ^of them as not soe
14 Eudox. I cannot see howe that maye better bee then
fayerly overcame by reason of the contynuall pre
kingdome is for want therof ^is dailie carried into, the
16 voc
the same by theire humble Cariage and submission:
ever, to
onlye vppon white meates as it is recorded, seeing
17 all ye landes neighbouringe vnto the mountaynes of
of Glanmalour vnto Shillelah vnto the Briskelah
I Cane vnderstand theare is noe ¼te but the bare
possessions, soe in the Raigne of k Edward the iiijth
18 evills
mountayne foote in wch they lurked by buildeinge stronge {inserted between lines in Ellesmere MS}
Castle of Clare in Thomond of wch Cuntrye he
Killalowe/ and so kepte them from breakinge {'they lurked' deleted here in Ellesmere MS}
theare arose in that ¼te of Thomonde one of
19 Cleane out manie great townes, as first Insheginn
make all playne and waste In ^ye wch he soone
20 of, ^in
21 ¼
moste • outboundes and abandoned places in the Engl[ish]
the Salvages thoughe of the Lo: Salvage there
23 of the governement of the Lorde Graie, was
to Caste
24 founde: For in them ^ye Realme was lefte like a shipp
it oftentymes maligned and his doeng§ depraved
25 wch to reherse shoulde rather be to Cronicle then to
26 eringe; ^wronge
worde yett by ^ye lawes of All kingdomes it is a
to devise
soche a purpose is effected it should be to late to
of the malefactors coulde remedye. and therfore the Lawe in that
And this only Respect maketh ^all Lawes iuste nowe
27 w
28 it yet will some one or other subtill headed
29 are soe readelie hearkened vnto here neither
can it bee in deed allthoughe the Irishe ¼tie would
30 reportes
31 Cause & as manie as he will of soche as ^he can shew
and handled whervppon the ¼tie ¼haps
32 s
beinge in rebellion or in the wood§ where ¼ad=
33 Comittinge treasons For manie wch wolde
34 begyninge
leike as all barbourous people •• are as Cesar in
his Comentaries saith very fearelesse of deathe;
35 {bold 'C' before 'Eudox' at top of page} of that Realme, leike as in the pointe there are alsoe
religion or daunger of the lawe into wch they are rune
{rest of page blank after '¼ceed'}
36, 37 {blank; for a discussion of this omission, see the Introduction; Variorum edition of Ellesmere MS reads as follows, ll. 875-940:

Iren: It is allsoe inconvenient in that realme of Irelande that the wardes and mariadges of gentelmens Children shoulde be in the disposicion of anie of those Irishe lordes as now theye are by reasone that theire landes are helde by knightes service of those Lordes, by which meanes yt Comethe to passe that those saide gentlemens children beinge thus in the warde of those Lordes are not onelye theareby broughte vp lewdelye and Irishe like but allsoe for euer after soe bounded to theire services as that they will run with them vnto anye disloyall accion/

Eudox This grevance Iren: is allsoe Complained of in Englande, but howe Cane it be remedied since the service muste followe the Tenure of the Landes and the landes weare given awaie by the kinges of Englande to those Lordes when they firste conquered that realme, And to saie truethe this allsoe woulde be some preiudice to the Prince in her wardeshipps/

Iren: I doe not meane this by the Princes wardes but by suche as fall into the handes of Irishe Lordes for I Coulde wishe and this I woulde enforce that all those wardeshipps weare in the Pinces disposicion ffor then it mighte be hoped that she for the vniuersall reformacion of that Realme, woulde take better order for the bringinge vp of those wardes in good nourture and not suffer them to Come into so bad handes; and thoughe these thinges be allreadie passed awaie by her Progenitours former grauntes vnto those saide Lordes, yeat I Coulde finde a waye to remedye a great parte theareof, as heareafter when fitt time servethe shall appeare, And since we are entred into speache of suche grauntes of former princes to sundrie persones of that Realme of Irelande, I will mencion vnto youe some other of like nature to this and of like inconvenience by which the former kinges of Englande passed vnto them a greate parte of their prerogative which thoughe then it weare well intended and perhaps well deserued of them which receaued the same, yeat now suche a gapp of mischiefe lyethe/ open theareby as I Coulde wishe weare well stopped, Of this sorte are the grauntes of Countye Pallantines in Irelande, which thoughe at firste weare graunted vppon good Consideracion when they weare firste Conquered, for that those landes laie then as a verye border to the wilde Irishe, subiecte to Continewall invacion, so as it was nedefull to giue them greate priuiledges to the defence and thinhabitance theareof, yeat now that it is no more a border, nor frontierd with enemies why shoulde suche priviledges be anie more continewed

Eudox: I woulde gladlie knowe what ye Call a Countye Pallantine and whence it is so Called/

Iren: It was as I suppose firste named Palatine of a pale, as it weare a pale and defence to theire inner landes so as now it is Called the Englishe pale, And thereof allso is a Palsgrave named that is an Earle Palcatine/ | Others thinke of the Latine Palare that is to forrage or outrunne because those marchers and borderers vse Comonlye so to doe, So as to haue a Countie Pallatine is in effecte but to haue a priviledge to spoile the enemies borders adioyninge. And surelye so it is vsed at this daie as a priviledged place of spoiles and stealthes: for the Countye of Tipperarye which is now the onelye Countye Palatine in Irelande is by abuse of some bad ones made a receptacle to robb the reste of the Countries aboute it by meanes of whose priviledges none will followe theire stealthes, so as it beinge scituate in the verye lapp of all the lande is made now a border which howe inconveniente it is let euerie man iudge. And thoughe that righte noble man that is the Lorde of the libertye, do pain him selfe all that he maie to yealde equall iustice vnto all, yeat Cane there not but great abuses lurke in so inwarde and absolute a priviledge, the Consideracion wheareof, is to be respected Carefullie for the nexte succession, And muche like vnto this graunte theare are allsoe other priviledges graunted vnto moste of the Corporacions theare that they shall not be Chardged with anie garrissons, that they shall not be travelled forthe of theire owne franchises, that they maie buy and sell with theves and rebells, that all amerciamentes and fines which shalbe imposed vppon them shall come vnto themselues, All which thoughe at the time of theire firste graunte they weare tollerable and perhaps reasonable, yeat now are moste vnresonable and inConveniente/ But all these will easelie be cutt of with the superiour power of her maiestes prerogative againste which her owne grauntes are not to be pleaded or enforced/ | }

38 {Blank of six lines following 'And that'; for a discussion of this omission, see the Introduction; the Ellesmere MS reads as follows:

And that which restrainethe vsinge of guilte bridles and pittorels, And that which appointed to the recorders and Clarkes of dubline and drodagh to take but ijd for the Copie of a plainte and that which Comaundeth bowes and arrowes, and that which makethe that all Irishe men which shall converse amongest the englishe shalbe taken for spies and so punished and that which forbidethe persons not ameanable to lawe to enter and distraine in the landes in which they haue title, and manie other the like I coulde rehearse ///// }

39 But tell vs of some more weightie dislikes in the statues {i.e., statutes}
contrived that it scarse Carieth anie Reason
40 this vse beinge ¼mitted and made lawfull to some and to other some | deathe,
graunte to other men a lawe for him self. {line break} Eud: yea but
41 vpper garment wch a servingeman weareth soe Called
42 div
saye of coyne for that they vsed Comonly in their
they vse to take ^of them what victalls they liste, For of
{original 'ordinance' changed to 'ordinarye'; superscript 'a' struck out}
was an Auncient Custome and nothinge contrarye
43 a
44 not
of these
45 {'Eudox:' appears to be inserted above the first line}
whence it semeth that the Customes of that
46 so
47 the denominacion of the parte prvayled in the whole
from all
48 and leane to Confidently vnto ^those Irishe
49 Tacitus Ptolomæ Plinie Solinus, Pomponius Mela & Berosus
of the later Vincentius Ænaeas Syluius luddus &
sett downe the testimonies of the Ancientes | truelye, and
51 {marsillians: 'massillians' with 's' overwritten by 'r'} written that the Gaules lerned them firste & vsed only
Inhabit all the Seacoastes of Spayne evene vnto Cadiz (Folger MS, Cambridge UL MS, BL MS)
galia Gallecia Galdunium {blank and line break} and by sondry nations therin {this blank also appears in Ellesmere MS; some MSS read 'Regni' or 'Rhegine'}
yet saithe to haue discended from the Celtie of
with prick & accentes as their auncien {blank}, But
{'Spaniards' partially blotted} affirme
52 of one Gathelus the sonne of Cecrops or Argus
whoe havinge married the kinge of Eigiptes
{rest of line following 'daughter' left blank; first half of next line blank until 'and there inhabited'; Ellesmere MS reads: 'the kinge of Egeiptes daughter Thence sayled with her into Spaine | {blank} and theare inhabited...'}
of Nemed and his ^nyen sonnes whoe cominge out of
rooted out, After whome two hundred yeris the {blank} | sonnes
53 covett
that nowe inhabitt§ Spayne, they noe waie can ¼ve
54 Huts
Scithia wch like a mountaine floudd ded overflowe
55 admirable purpose of his wisdome to drawe these
56 who that liste to reade in Cambden and Buckanã
amongest them Gald that is discended from the Gaules /.
SommersetShire Wilshire and parte of Hamshire
57 pl
58 nations, {blank} After all wch the Saxons succeedinge
59 besides the Gaules Britons and saxons. /
people amongest whome he distributed the Lande and setled
Civillity as England afford§ can finde soche likinge
61 yet is vsed amongest all the tartarians and ^ye people
{rest of line following 'as they make' filled with flourishes; no break in Ellesmere MS}
62 tasted fredome doe leike a steare that hathe beene
{rest of line following 'Elias mantle of' left blank; blank also appears in Ellesmere MS}
The Chaldees vsed it also as ye maie reade in Diadorus
63 mantle lyned wth Starrs thoughe afterward§ they
changed the forme therof into ^yer clokes called Pallia as
Mantile for a mantle / Mantilia humi sternunt, soe that
wth the nations whome they ^had invaded but still removeing
64 hi
hys pentise when it bloweth it ^is his tente, when
65 their bootye, with that they can pretelye shroude them
anie towne or Companie beinge Close hooded over
called of them Monashul, it is half a wardrobe:
wch suche others
thincke it verie vnfitt for good huswief to stirre in
66 vpp soe manie vses of a mantle will yeat wishe
measuer his waterpott. then a mantle doth not an Irishman
See next.
67 there crye in their conflictes & at other troublesome tymes of {'crye' a correction of 'ioye' in Ellesmere MS}
to geive ^ye charge att their battalls: at the wch it is said
that they came Runinge wth a terrible yell and Habbub
call Laun-laider that is, the strong hand And to theire {Ware's edition}
for in all their encounters they vse one verie Comon worde {correction of 'our' in Ellesmere MS}
Eudox: Believe me this observacion of yors Irenius is
verie good & delightfull far beyonde the blinde concept
68 e
69 cries, and ymoderate wayling§ the wch mr stanihurst
doe soe immuesuarably likwise bewaile their dead but
of cryinge & howlinge not ympertinent to be noted as vnciuill {correction of 'not as' in Ellesmere MS}
70 h
vsed commonlie as ye• maie reade in Olaus Magnus {blank}
reade in Buckanan & in Hector Boethius and in Ia: de Brey. {added to Ellesmere MS in different hand}
wth shorte bearded arrowes are verye Scythian as ye
arrowes are not muche aboue half an ell longe
71 is certaine religious Ceremonies wch are verye
was an Ætolian borne, for that in discribinge {Ellesmere MS has 'Ætolian' for 'Æolian' or 'Aolian' hereafter}
of the Chynebone Called the wch all the { or is probably the intended form, Gr. 'brow'}
the entralls to be rosted on fyue spittes {blank} The
who onlye of all the nations & contreys of Grecia
vsed to sacrifice in that sorte wheras ^all the reste of
by wch he enferreth necessarilie that Homer was | an Ætolian. And {correction of 'a Chian' in Ellesmere MS}
in lucian in that sweete Diologue wch is intituled | Toxaris or of Fre'dshipp
powers wch • shoulde worke vengeaunce on periurours
72 ther
that they honor the fyer and light for all {correction of 'haue' in Ellesmere MS}
73 better sence doe suppose it was a disease Called lycanthropia
Irishe, yet the scythians likewise vsed to drawe the bloode of {Ware's edition, Bodleian MS has 'boyle'}
Contynuance of tyme and manie ages come betwene
yet anie iotte of those ould Rites, & su¼stitions
74 anie ^such Customes amongest them brought likewise
other wourketh more Civilitye & good fashions /. all sea men being naturally desirous of new fasions,) then amongst the inland folke, wch are seldome sene of Forreyners {Ware's edition}
75 as the Irishe vse yt, is as they saie oulde spannishe
76 of Asteroth in a torney wherat Quene Guenover was
a notable traytor at Limericke called Murroghe
77 therwth alsoe steeped her face & brest and torne heare cryenge & shrikinge owt
{four fifths of page after 'terriblye' left blank; five other MSS, including Ellesmere, also have blanks}
78 governors for the moste ¼te of them selues & comonlye
whoe thoughe for the moste ¼te they weare but deputies vnder
79 yet they swayed so muche as they hadd all the Rule &
in the Irishe to take their ¼tie: By wch meanes
80 Mounster
selues: whoe report the Macmahons in the Northe
82 dignities and are nowe growne as Irishe as Ohanlans
whoe havinge lewdlie wasted all the land§ and seignories
84 the wch beinge the firste that is envred to his
insoemuche as thoughe he afterward§ be taught
great with Roxane and Iulius Cesar with Cleopatrie {added by different hand in Ellesmere MS}
85 as neur the better for what do statutes availe wthowte pennalties or lawes wthout
e {'then for' was originally 'therfore'}
86 fashioninge of the mynde & Conditions But be
87 set fourthe in his longe hose his Rydinge shooes of costlye
same Counted an vncomelie manner of Rydinge, for I haue
88 men
soe that they vse that habitt & custome of theirs
89 bloodie full of revendge & delightinge in deadlye {added to Ellesmere MS in margin}
then that they be ^even vsed or imployed or allmost suffred
90 of ^ye praises & famous Eulogies of wourthie men
Soe they saie that the Lacedemonians were more
93 m
degree theare was bought as their mannr is for Fortye | Coowes. / . {corrected from 'Crownes' in Ellesmere MS}
94 Cardes & dice, the wch thoughe they have {corrected from 'they' in Ellesmere MS}
Whose onlye | hvrte is not that they them selues are {corrected from 'harte' in Ellesmere MS}
95 the Irishe are fed for they vse Comonly to sende
namelye those Iesters Carrowes monashule and {corrected from 'monashite' in Ellesmere MS}
& Towneshipp or one private ¼son or an other but
96 English nothinge suspectinge are then comonly
stronglie trenched & throwen vpp were (
abuse. For those hills whereof ye speake were (as
meetinge of
97 f
of that hundred. The others that are Rounde were caste
98 were never placed theare by mans hand or Arte
redd in manie historyes and Cronicles the like | mountes and stones
oftentymes mencõned as in herodotus theodorus siculus and others {added by different hand in Ellesmere MS}
99 it
Armie abroad the Country & place them in villages to take {added within blank in Ellesmere MS}
100 s {see next}
verie governemt wch draweth vppon them soche | evills And therefore this ye maye allsoe adioyne vnto the former evill Customes wch wee haue to reprove in Ireland
101 the
freeholders which doe not their vse to sett oute their land§ in {inserted between lines in Ellesmere MS}
ferme noe soche Costes imployed in fencinge or husbandinge
102 will
will, ^lease
t {originally 'the', converted to 'his'}
103 encreased & wonderfullie enlarged by kepeing his Cattell in inclosure
named laste is not the least for all the other
104 of
105 atte
soe good an •••• Acte in that ^good Pope, as the Reduceinge
106 that nowe houlde that place in that they wch nowe are
107 retyer
men papist§
108 it
109 minister
of the ^Irishe people wch Inhabit them that they will not
110 or will not heare him or what comforte of lief shall he have
112 ensample of some of their governers, who (vnder
Eudox: doe yowe speake of vnder Mag'rat§ Irenius
Iren: I doe speake of noe ¼ticculars but the {inserted between lines in Ellesmere MS}
I should saie there is some blame hereof in
113 successe ^possesse
114 govermt howe Ever good which his ¼decessor hilde eithrdiscounttinancinge the Englishe will carye favor{correction of 'discontinvinge in Ellesmere MS}
116 as their is noe part nowe sounde or ascerteined
but all haue their eares vpright waytinge when
117 it
118 Companies doe kepe the wood§ spoylinge and
119 is
is at theare amount§ to verie nere twelue thowsand poundes {added in blank in Ellesmere MS}
120 & good paiement of his wages starved & consumed that {Bodleian Gough MS}
& {'nor' just before perhaps added in different hand}
121 need§ passe theare he will lye in awayte and if {corrected from 'a waye' in Ellesmere MS}
122 garrison
devide likewise into foure ¼tes soe as theare sholde {added above 'three' in Ellesmere MS}
123 I woulde laye one garison, an other would I put at Castle
service, The fower garrisons thus beinge placed
124 of the Carriag§ the Rysing out of the Contry
they shall have intelligence or espiall
125 endewre his wretchednes, The wch will surelye
126 Cavanaghes the Mores the Dempses the ketinges ye
127 we
And againe I well knowe that the Rebells
warres) will turne awaye all yer raskall people
128 wives
the rather consume & afflict the other Rebells
129 verye
spoyle and outrag§ but will ever after be readye for
130 manuraunc
them selues & devoure one another, the proof {'another' changed to 'one other' in this MS; 'one another' in Ellesmere MS}
131 & ^or
{scribal hand appears to change after ' them selues had wroughte.'}
delightinge in spoyle thoughe it doe them selues noe
state of this miserie & lamentable image of thinges shalbe
tolde & felingelye prsented to her sacred maiestie beinge by nature
132 that he was a bloodie man & regarded not the lief of her subiect§ no more
133 their iudgmt in abundance of teres & yett he even herein was counted bloody
¼ceive (as I allwaies verilie thoughte) that it was most vniustly
kinge of Spayne or anie other, The wch when they said they
134 t, e, es (original 'themselfes' changed to 'himself')
135 the wch he bent not to that pointe, wch the formr governors hadd
Countenaunce the Irishe all that he Could whither
136 be placed never soe carefully & yeir Companies fild never soe
and therfore great regard is to be had in the Choosinge & appointinge
nothinge therof shalbe sure to come vnto him self but
137 make it wourth vCli a yere the wch they Right well
verie streight instructions as thus for ¼teccons, That they {corrected from 'and' in Ellesmere MS}
vnto them and then to send vnto the deputie wth ^yer safe-
Conduict or passe to be att his disposition: but ^so as none of
138 givin
himself nowe soe farre engaged in his badd Accion can he
mackguyre & the Rest he must need§ thincke, that then {corrected from 'macknyre' in Ellesmere MS}
& Could overthrowe him whoe shall afterward§ overthrowe ym {added between lines in Ellesmere MS}
139 fellowe Gamester yt is nowe the ^most wynnr somewhat to
140 wer
seignory me semes it should be wronge to thrust
141 the kinges of England Conquered all the Realme and
of most iuste possessions vnto the people of Englande
142 for Vlster & Connaghte, I wold be gladd to
143 C••e
t (original 'that' changed to 'the')
ffeaghs right vnto yt Country or the seignorye wch
144 sef
hadd not ^bene crossed vnhappelie he could not have stoode thre
145 of ^for
146 minister vnto them and as by good espeialles wheareof
space of one yere wch howe small a thinge it is vnto
148 alone
in this or cõen wealthe | that noe better course is taken for soche as
149 contynued and for ever ^be mayneteyned of the Countrye
150 ey
Iren: soe soone •• then as they haue geiven the best
151 Crete as they haue remayninge into leinster where they shalbe placed & have
in soche sorte as shall become good subiect§ to labour
Iren Noe I will place in all the Country of ye Birnes
that I make ^ye ¼clamation to ym of Vlster will I also
of them into the places of the other in Vlster wthall
153 princes in all Countres to them nuelie subdued to sett
the Quene of England receivinge the Rent of the Contry
of the Countrye is not appointed to ^ye paye of the souldiers {'appointed' added in blank in Ellesmere MS}
it is by eury other occasion Comeinge betwene Conuerted
154 ••
Eudox: Sithe then ye thincke this cuttinge of the paie of the soldier {added in blank in Ellesmere MS}
ys not onlie wholie
not to paye the whole yerelie Rente of xlvjs viijd out of every {correction of 'xls' in Ellesmere MS}
155 Contrye on that side & some of them also vppon the bande
and alsoe toward§ Orelies & the pale as some at Eniskillin
154b ¼sons wch would very gladlie | be soe placed, soe wold it in shorte space turne those ¼t§ to
Convenient outgates by Rivers to the sea & ingates to the
155b {The scribe, or a later paginator, has mistakenly numbered this page '155'. This page and the page before it are labelled in these notes '154b' and '155b'} Vidzt the Countie of Downe the Countie of Antrim the County {Ware's edition}
Countie of Colrane the County of Monahon the County of Tirone
the Countie of Fermanagh the County of Donnegall beinge all {Ware's edition}
of Roscoman savinge what perteinethe to the house of Roscoman & some other fewe Englishe theare lately
156 togither wth the ^rent of the excheated Land§ in the two laste
157 nto
about Garrandough that they maie Contayne the Connars
& the Bourkes theare the kellies & the Mackmurries wth all
158 would I alsoe wishe to be in this of Connaght and that {Ware's edition}

159 the widenes of the mountayne pasturage doe recõpence
Iren: Truelie it is impossible by anie to tell yt & for
160 beinge allmoste thirtie Miles over I doe suppose Cane
of ^to any
161 of leix to restrayne the Mores Ossorye & Ocarroll, other {Ware's edition}
••• Coghlan Mageoghegan and all those Irishe nations {Ware's edition}
Land§ the Composicion wherof ^as the Rest will make xvjm li
162 to xijm li by yere the other iiijm li will defraie the charge
163 the Country of the Bourkes about | Kilpatrick would I haue {added in blank in Ellesmere MS}
164 noe reason that the Corporate Townes enioyinge great
Ratablye accordinge to theire Abillities towardes theire mantenaunce The which her maiestie maie yf shee please spare out of the charge
Corke l Cashell x Molnigarr x
Kinsale x Drogheda xxv Kelles x {BL Add. MS}
165 shall not be burdened at all but haue time to recour them
168 e
thoughe | nowe it be in the power of the Prince to chaunge all the
of cõen wealthes it ought to be wee will applie the people
& fitt ym vnto ye lawes as it most convenientlye maye be The
{a large blank appears in the Ellesmere MS (though in no other MS) after 'Accessoryes/'; the writing here is somewhat cramped, perhaps suggesting that the scribe was attempting to fit text to the page before a blank in his source manuscript}
169 wch will still consiste | all of Irishe
170 hundred§ into Lathes or wapentakes & the wapentakes into {inserted between lines in Ellesmere MS}
five made a lathe or wapentake of wch Tenne ^each one
Borsholder was bound to bringe him forth who ioyninge eftsones
was not ameaneable to Lawe, And herin it semes
171 sel
172 some of them, For they are not only not ashamed to
acknowledge them but also boast of them and vse them to such secret
oppresse & crusshe some of their owne too stubberne {correction of 'his' in Ellesmere MS}
his tenant§ soche an other is theare of the Earle of Clancares
173 but att the firste creation, And that oathe woulde sure conteyne them
the sacrament & bene sworne to a Priest wch they thinck bindeth
w {?}
175 entertayenmt allowed by the Countrye or forced by ym but let them | feede vppon the Countreis
wheare they came, For that people will never aske
as Coigny liuery Sorehon and soche like by wch they {Ware's edition}
176 {the scribe appears to have misread the source at the last line of this page, thinking that the clause ended with 'vndertake /', where in fact it continued to 'in all Ireland', as the next page shows. The repetition of 'vndertake' and the apparent blank are not matched in any other manuscript}
177 their Land§ to be thus drawne awaie from them.
Auncientlie held of her, and that they should not onlye not be
178 more stubborne and disobedient to lawe and governement then the Irishe be, and more malicious
180 Iren: Not soe Eudox: but where theare is noe goode staye of govermt &
be ^one people & to putt awaie the dislikefull Conceipt
for the moste ¼te will make an Irishman the tythingman
to the headburgh wch is the head of the Lathe him will I make
of Ireland ded Contayne xxx villatas terrae wch some call {Ware's edition}
181 quarters of Land & eurye villata can mayntaine CCCC Cowes
head ^free
a •••• freeburghe of the Lawyer Franciplegium ./.
of ^by

a freeburghe or (as ye saye) Franciplegium for Borh in ould {Ware's edition}
vs in some speeches as Chaucer saithe St Iohn to Borroh {Ware's edition}
182 soeur
ye ^ye
183 statute wch was made in ye Raigne of Edward the fourth {Ware's edition; blank in most MSS}
Mackes wch the head§ of septs haue taken to their names to
184 the
Bella execrata Colonis.
for husbondrye beinge the nourse of thrifte and the | daughter of industry and Labor
{a blank appears in the Ellesmere MS after 'thefte & villanie'}
185 & daughters
And be Conuersante in the viewe of the world / And to
the Norwegians the Gothes the Armenians & manie others {Ware's edition}
to drawe the Irishe from desier of warres & tumults • to the love
& ^to
186 others as are able to bring them ^vp in learning should
tie {original 'vncivilitie' converted to 'vncivile'}
knowledge & feare god, and therfore I doe still expecte that ye should
187 firste
abide the more firmelye & be observed more dilligently
service as
186b ir
187b to
Rather deliured & intymated wth myldenesse and
188 Irishe are soe farre from vnderstandinge of the Popishe | Religion as they are of the protestantes ¼fession
St Patrick & St Columb howe muche more {Ware's edition}
•• ^true
anie love of god nor zeale of Religion nor for
189 §
formr their is noe Lawe for their ordre for ^yer restrainct
onlie this but ^yt also wch I remembre yowe mencioned
190 againste her Matie for wch ^here are in England theare
yor self dothe greatly drawe the rude people to the
of or late too nyce fooles saye that theare is nothinge in {inserted between lines in Ellesmere MS}
191 {there is no line break in other MSS at this point, but the Ellesmere MS agrees with this MS in the two breaks below, at 'moreover' and 'Further }
192 stronglie entrenched or otherwise fenced wth gates att eache
manie places in the Englishe pale, & all the waies
193 Countreis have swarved the townes have stoode faste &
Corne to sell the same againe vnlesse it were to make malt | therof for by soche Ingrossinge and {repeated clause 'to sell the same againe' not attested in Ellesmere or in any other MS}
here in England to have bene caused hereunto also is to be
194 mighte therbie susspecte the owner & be warned to abstayne
sp'iallye that of free townes of wch I wonder that theare {inserted between lines in Ellesmere MS}
their desolation they were begde by gentlemen of the
Reliques of theire people againe togither
195 nowe
196 some fowle abuses as yow noted in ^some of the Late governors
deprave and pull backe what eur thing shalbe well begonne or
it is is at this howre to well felt, And therfore it should
197 powre to all their consulls & governors which if they abused they should
Bisshopprick§ for nõiatinge ^yer Bisshopps nor noe
forfeytures nor dispensation with penalt statutes given to theire servantes or friendes nor no sellinge of licences for exportacion of ¼hibited wa•res
{a large blank appears in the Ellesmere MS after 'Deputye /.'; though this gap is not observed in any of the other manuscripts, it may be that our scribe cramped his source text to fit the remaining space on this page, leaving a hypothetical blank to be absorbed in the page turn}
198 •••• (check with original)
as my Reme'brance would serue me run thorought the
but as I haue learned & vnderstood the same by ye consultacõns
{last page, like first, badly worn and damaged}