Dr Caroline Gonda, St Catharine's

Research Interests
Eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century prose fiction; feminism and gender; history of sexuality; sensibility; domestic fiction. Lesbian literature, theory and criticism
Areas of Graduate Supervision
Contributes to teaching and/or supervision for the MPhil in English Studies and to the University's interdisciplinary MPhil in Gender Studies
Selected Publications
- Decoding Anne Lister: From the Archives to 'Gentleman Jack' (co-edited with Chris Roulston), forthcoming from Cambridge University Press, 2023
“False Flat”, Janus Literary, Volume 2, Issue 7, https://www.janusliterary.com/2022/04/07/caroline-gonda-false-flat/
“Dead Letters”, Ellipsis, 2021, https://www.ellipsiszine.com/dead-letters-by-caroline-gonda/
“The Fighting Temeraire”, Reflex Fiction, 2021, https://www.reflexfiction.com/the-fighting-temeraire-flash-fiction-by-caroline-gonda/
“Cayenne and Paprika”, Lunate, 2021, https://www.lunate.co.uk/fiction/cayenne-and-paprika-by-caroline-gonda
- “Women’s Sexuality”, virtual special issue of the journal Eighteenth-Century Fiction, February 2019, https://ecf.humanities.mcmaster.ca/womenssexuality/
- “Love and Loss in Wartime: An Unpublished Narrative by Pamela Frankau (1908-67)”, Journal of Lesbian Studies, 22, 4, 446-458 (2018)
- “Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West” in Modern Couples: Art, Intimacy and the Avant-Garde, ed. Jane Alison and Coralie Malissard (Barbican and Prestel, 2018)
- “Defying Convention”, in Queer British Art 1867-1967, ed. Clare Barlow (Tate Publishing, 2017)
- “Writing Lesbian Desire in the Long Eighteenth Century”, in The Cambridge Companion to Lesbian Literature, ed. Jodie Medd (Cambridge University Press, 2015), 107-21
- "Maria Edgeworth's Angelina: or, l'amie inconnue: Queer Materiality and the Woman Writer's Grotesque Body", Journal of Lesbian Studies, 2013
- Lesbian Dames: Sapphism in the Long Eighteenth Century (co-edited with John Beynon), Ashgate, 2010
- "Ink Blots, Pin Holes", London Review of Books, 28 January 2010, 30-1
- "Drowned Art", essay for Progressive Culture Works art exhibition Filthy Lucre, Gallery Aferro, Jersey City, 24 October-5 December 2009
- Queer People: Negotiations and Expressions of Homosexuality 1700-1800 (co-edited with Chris Mounsey), Bucknell, 2007
- "Lesbian feminist criticism", in Gill Plain and Susan Sellers, eds, A History of Feminist Literary Criticism, Cambridge University Press, 2007, 169-86
- "Lesbian narrative in The Travels and Adventures of Mademoiselle de Richelieu", British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 29.2, Autumn 2006, 191-200
- "Misses, Murderesses and Magdalens: Women in the Public Eye", in Elizabeth Eger, Charlotte Grant, Clíona Ó Gallchoir and Penny Warburton, eds, Women, Writing and the Public Sphere, 1700-1830, Cambridge University Press, 2001, 53-71
- "The rise and fall of the improvisatore", Romanticism, 6.2, 2000, 195-210
- Reading Daughters' Fictions, 1709-1834: Novels and Society from Manley to Edgeworth, Cambridge University Press, 1996