Yixun Zhang, Hughes Hall

Degree: PhD
Course: English
Supervisor: Dr Sarah Meer
Dissertation Title:

Melville’s Fictional Lists

Biographical Information

I earned my Bachelor of Arts in English from Peking University in Beijing, followed by a two-year Master of Finance degree at the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance. I then moved to the UK for a second master’s degree in English and American Studies at the University of Oxford, before commencing my PhD studies at the University of Cambridge.

Research Interests

In my PhD thesis, I tries to investigate the dissemination of knowledge and transnational intellectual flows in post-Jacksonian America, with an emphasis on the works of Herman Melville.

Selected Publications

Yixun Zhang, Terraqueous Intimacy, The Cambridge Quarterly, Volume 51, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 367–379.