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Catherine Nicholson, Reading and Not Reading ‘The Faerie Queene’: Spenser and the Making of Literary Criticism
by Patrick Cheney

In the title of Catherine Nicholson’s new book, Reading and Not Reading ‘The Faerie Queene’: Spenser and the Making of Literary Criticism, a lot is going on. The main title clearly announces the book project, which is to track the problem – including the history of the problem – of both reading The Faerie Queene and not reading it (more of which presently). Yet the subtitle might also interest readers of The Spenser Review, for Nicholson assigns Spenser a singular role in the modern academy of letters: ‘Spenser’ is coequal with ‘the Making of Literary Criticism’; Spenser is the inaugural figure in the making of what our colleagues across the fields also do. Read more…


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  • Wilmington On-Site Truck Repair 7 months, 1 week ago

    It’s part of our creed to provide the best possible service at a fair price.

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  • Buffalo Mobile Auto Mechanic 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    The main title clearly announces the book project, which is to track the problem – including the history of the problem – of both reading The Faerie Queene and not reading it (more of which presently).

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  • Solar 1 hour ago

    Thanks for this wonderful article. It was very enlightening and useful.

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Cite as:

Patrick Cheney, "Catherine Nicholson, Reading and Not Reading ‘The Faerie Queene’: Spenser and the Making of Literary Criticism," Spenser Review (Spring-Summer 2021). Accessed July 27th, 2024.
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