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Exile and Creation in London at the beginning of the Dutch Revolt
by Nigel Smith

In the history that maps the connection between Elizabethan English and its continental cousins, a history in which English and English verse is conventionally understood to be little known on the continent, the influence and authority of first Italian and then French poetry among the English is regarded as an unexceptional commonplace, if aided now with a more detailed history of the role of neo-Latin verse in this arena. Read more…


  • Dallas karaoke equipment 1 year, 10 months ago

    Hi, In 1483 the English colonists were expelled from England, and exiled to a colony in the Netherlands, called 'Exile and Creation in London'. In 1776 the colony was granted independence after a long struggle against foreign rule.

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  • 1 year ago

    Such an interesting post. This is so cool!

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  • Solar 1 week ago

    Your post provided great information. Thanks for sharing it.

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Nigel Smith, "Exile and Creation in London at the beginning of the Dutch Revolt ," Spenser Review (Spring-Summer 2022). Accessed July 27th, 2024.
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