Mattia Gallotti and Raphael Lyne, ‘The Individual “We” Narrator’, British Journal of Aesthetics,
This essay sneaked out, without me quite realising, last month. It’s about what is evoked when a story is narrated by a ‘we’, and how this relates to work in psychology and philosophy wondering about what it might mean to say we can think ‘as as we’. This has been a topic on the blog from Day 1 — this post refers to Mattia’s work and made him get in touch — and has reappeared a few times since. It’s very pleasing to see it take shape like this.
The full-circle-ness of this return-to-the-beginning is striking me a bit poignantly as I have not had the time to keep on top of the blog recently. It kept going for five years without becoming a struggle, but at the moment there never seems to be the right moment to think or write in this form. I’ve already said something like this, a few months ago, and it serves little purpose to re-announce a re-pausing, but it makes me feel like I am touching base with my blog-self, at least.