Early Modern Visual Marginalia, 1 May 2015

Graham Storey Room, Trinity Hall, 9.30am-1.00pmCrop_VisMargImage_2

A colloquium on early modern visual marginalia organised by the Department of History of Art, Trinity Hall, University Library, University of Cambridge.

Sponsored by Department of History of Art, University Library, Centre for Material Texts.

Covenor: Dr Alexander Marr



Prof. William Sherman (V&A): ‘Sir Thomas Smith and the eye of history’

Dr Julian Luxford (University of St Andrews): ‘Plus ça change: renaissance and later images in the margins of medieval manuscripts’

Dr Alexander Marr (Cambridge) and Dr Kate Isard (Visiting Scholar, Cambridge): ‘A bit on the side: alchemical and erotic marginalia in Cartari’s Le imagini de i dei delli antichi

Dr Richard Oosterhoff (CRASSH, Cambridge): ‘From margins to endpapers: what doodles did in a Renaissance classroom’

Dr Francesco Benelli (Columbia): ‘Architects, readers and visual notation in Renaissance Italy’

For further information please contact Gaenor Moore