Interdisciplines: Drama, Economics and Law in Early Modern England, 17 October 2015

beere-bayting_crop2Trust Room, Fitzwilliam College
Conference fee: £25 (full), £10 (students/unwaged) – includes lunch, tea/coffee
Deadline: Monday 12 October 2015

Interdisciplines: Drama, Economics and Law in Early Modern England is a one-day colloquium which seeks to examine intersections between literature, law and economics in early modern England. As part of the broader, European Research Council-funded interdisciplinary project, Crossroads of Knowledge in Early Modern England: the Place of Literature, our speakers will be attentive to the epistemic intersections between drama and economy, drama and law: how did legal, social and economic practices of the time condition Renaissance drama? how did the early modern theatre respond to, and, in turn, shape the legal and economic life of the period? Our speakers are Maria Fusaro (Exeter); Quentin Skinner (QMUL), Becky Tomlin (Birkbeck), and Andy Wood (Durham). Papers will be followed by responses and Q&A sessions. The colloquium ends with a concluding panel chaired by Craig Muldrew.


Rachel E. Holmes, Subha Mukherji, Tim Stuart-Buttle, Elizabeth L. SwannKoji Yamamoto


Maria Fusaro (University of Exeter)
Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary, University of London)
Rebecca Tomlin (Birkbeck, University of London),
Andy Wood (University of Durham)

Panel Chair:

Craig Muldrew (University of Cambridge).

Panel Members:

Adrian Leonard (University of Cambridge), others TBC

More information, programme and abstracts here.

Wenceslas Hollar, The Long View of London (1642), via Wikimedia Commons