Accessibility Options

We have done our best to make sure this web site conforms to current and future legislation regarding accessibility. We used the following methods to assist in this:

Colour Vision Deficiencies

This site has been tested to make sure that those with colour vision deficiencies will not be at a disadvange when viewing it. We used the coverage filter testing tool at: and the 'Let's Get Colorblind' extension for Firefox. If you have any problems with the site in this regard, please do contact us.


There is a set of links at the top of the new templates which is hidden from graphical browsers, but which will be available via non-graphical browsers or screen readers. They link directly to the start of the page content and to the main navigation areas.


Where possible, we have tried to provide transcription of video and audio content. This is still a work in progress, however, and not all content has yet been transcribed.