Faculty of English part of BBC-Cambridge Short Story Awards Partnership

The Faculty of English is delighted to announce that it is part of a new collaboration between the BBC and the University of Cambridge to support the BBC National Short Story Award, the BBC Young Writers’ Award and the BBC Student Critics’ Award, in a three-year collaboration starting in 2018. The University of Cambridge will support all three of the awards. The charity First Story will support the BBC Student Critics’ Award and the BBC Young Writers’ Award. In particular, the Faculty will be contributing to the BBC Student Critics’ Award with First Story and Cambridge University, which gives selected 16–18 year olds around the UK the opportunity to participate in the National Short Story Award: to read, listen to, discuss and critique the five NSSA stories shortlisted by the judges, and have their say. The students will be supported with discussion guides, teaching resources and interactions with writers, judges, First Story patrons, and staff and students from the Faculty.

See https://www.english.cam.ac.uk/bbcshortstory/ for full details of the new partnership.


BBC National Short Story Award - with Cambridge University

BBC National Student Critics' Award - with First Story and Cambridge University

BBC Young Writers' Award - with First Story and Cambridge University

