Dr Giulia Grisot, CDH




Research Interests

Giulia Grisot is Teaching Associate at CDH for the MPhil in Digital Humanities. 

Her current research focuses on the investigation of culture and identity in literary texts, using NLP and machine learning to examine represented space and encoded sentiments. As an applied linguist, she is also interested in the mechanisms by which humans process and understand language and literature, and in the ways linguistic data can be explored computationally.

Areas of Graduate Supervision

- distant reading

- literary geography

- sentiment analysis

Selected Publications

  • Grisot, G., & Herrmann, J. B. (2023). Examining the representation of landscape and its emotional value in German-Swiss fiction around 1900. For consideration in Journal of Cultural Analytics

  • Herrmann, J. B., & Grisot, G. (2022). Lieblingsgegenden, Fenster und Mauern. Zur emotionalen Enkodierung von Raum in Deutschschweizer Prosa zwischen 1850 und 1930. DHd2022: Kulturen Des Digitalen Gedächtnisses. Konferenzabstracts. https://zenodo.org/record/6328025

  • Herrmann, J. B., Byszuk, J., & Grisot, G. (2022). Using Word Embeddings for Validation and Enhancement of Spatial Entity Lists.International Conference Digital Humanities 2022. Tokyo, Japan.

  • Herrmann, J. B., Grisot, G., Gubser, S., & Kreyenbühl, E. (2021). Ein großer Berg Daten? Zur bibliothekswissenschaftlichen Dimension des korpusliteraturwissenschaftlichen Digital Humanities-Projekts „High Mountains – Deutschschweizer Erzählliteratur 1880–1930”.027.7 Zeitschrift Für Bibliothekskultur / Journal for Library Culture, 8(1). https://doi.org/10.21428/1bfadeb6.6e2feff6

  • Grisot, G., Conklin, K., & Sotirova, V. (2020). Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? Readers’ responses to experimental techniques of speech, thought and consciousness presentation in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and Mrs Dalloway.Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963947020924202