Dr Ruth Abbott, St John's
Biographical Information
I am an Associate Professor in the English Faculty, and a Fellow and Director of Studies at St John's College. I have held fellowships at Cornell University, the University of Oxford, the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (Cambridge), the Harvard University Institute for Renaissance Studies (Villa I Tatti, Florence), the Huntington Library (California), and the Beinecke Library (Yale University).
At undergraduate level, I teach practical criticism and critical practice and the literature and history of the 18th and 19th centuries. At graduate level, I supervise MPhil and PhD students working in textual scholarship and on 18th and 19th century topics, and teach for MPhil strands in Material Texts and 18th and 19th century topics. I have received CUSU student-led teaching awards for both supervising and lecturing and a University Pilkington Prize for excellence in teaching.
I have served as the Faculty's Outreach Officer and on the University's Outreach Steering Group, and on College and Faculty committees on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity. As a member of the University's Harassment Avoidance Working Group, I helped to develop 'Breaking the Silence', a campaign to improve the prevention, response, support, and investigation of harassment and sexual misconduct across the collegiate university.
Research Interests
My research and teaching focus on textual scholarship and 18th- and 19th-century manuscripts, chiefly notebooks and the history of note-taking, with an emphasis on compositional practices, reading practices (including prosody and reading aloud), research practices, the history of scholarship, the organisation of knowledge, and the history of institutions such as libraries, universities, and museums. I am editor, with Michael Rossington, of The Poems of Wordsworth for the Longman Annotated English Poets series (Routledge). I am also editor of the Cambridge Digital Library collection Thomas Gray Manuscripts, which presents digital editions of Cambridge manuscripts relating to Thomas Gray: https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/thomasgray.
Areas of Graduate Supervision
I have supervised graduate research on topics including antiquarianism, book history, empire, historiography, the history of reading, the history of universities, iconography, literary composition, manuscript studies, medicine, philosophies of language, poetics, textual scholarship, and the Victorian bible, and on authors including Thomas Gray, Anna Barbauld, the Brontës, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Clare, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Samuel Butler, and Virginia Woolf. I would be glad to hear from potential graduate students wishing to work with me on any project relating to textual scholarship and/or 18th or 19th century topics.
Selected Publications
Recent and forthcoming publications include:
- The Poems of Wordsworth, ed. Ruth Abbott and Michael Rossington, 8 vols (forthcoming in Longman Annotated English Poets series, Routledge)
- 'The Organisation of Knowledge in George Eliot's Notebooks', in The Routledge Companion to George Eliot, ed. Margaret Harris, Matthew Sussman, and Daniel Tyler (forthcoming from Routledge, 2025)
- 'Transcribers of the Mind: Copying Historical Manuscripts in the British Museum Reading Room, 1759-1795' (forthcoming in Library and Information History, 2024)
- 'The Notebooks', in The Oxford Handbook of George Eliot, ed. Juliette Atkinson and Elisha Cohn (forthcoming from Oxford University Press, 2024)
- Thomas Gray among the Disciplines, ed. Ruth Abbott and Ephraim Levinson (forthcoming from Routledge, 2024)
- 'The Organisation of Knowledge in Thomas Gray’s Manuscripts, 1716-1771', in Thomas Gray among the Disciplines, ed. Ruth Abbott and Ephraim Levinson (forthcoming from Routledge, 2024)
- 'Thomas Gray and the Art of Transcribing Early Modern Manuscripts', in Thomas Gray among the Disciplines, ed. Ruth Abbott and Ephraim Levinson (forthcoming from Routledge, 2024)
- 'George Eliot: Realism and Dialectics', in The British Novel of Ideas: George Eliot to Zadie Smith, ed. Matthew Taunton and Rachel Potter (forthcoming from Cambridge University Press, 2024)
- 'The Poem in the Archive', in The Cambridge Companion to the Poem, ed. Sean Pryor (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024), 265-282 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009498852.020)
- Thomas Gray's Commonplace Book, ed. Ruth Abbott (Cambridge: Pembroke College, 2024)
- Thomas Gray's Naturalist's Journal 1767-1771, ed. Ruth Abbott (London: Roxburghe Club, 2024)
- Thomas Gray, ‘Pocket Book, 1755 (GBR/1058/GRA/2/1)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in Thomas Gray Manuscripts, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson, https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/thomasgray
- Thomas Gray, ‘Pocket Book, 1760 (GBR/1058/GRA/2/2)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in Thomas Gray Manuscripts, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson, https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/thomasgray
- Thomas Gray, ‘Commonplace Book, Volume I (GBR/1058/GRA/1/1)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in Thomas Gray Manuscripts, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson, https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/thomasgray
- Thomas Gray, ‘Commonplace Book, Volume II (GBR/1058/GRA/1/2)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in Thomas Gray Manuscripts, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson, https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/thomasgray
- Thomas Gray, ‘Commonplace Book, Volume III (GBR/1058/GRA/1/3)’, ed. Ruth Abbott, in Thomas Gray Manuscripts, ed. Ruth Abbott, assoc. ed. Ephraim Levinson, https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/collections/thomasgray
- 'Song: Denise Riley in Parts', in Forms of Late Modernist Lyric, ed. Edward Allen (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2021), 187-214 (https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv22tnmsq.14, DOI: https://doi-org.ezp.lib.cam.ac.uk/10.2307/j.ctv22tnmsq.14)
- 'D. W. Griffith, Victorian Poetry, and the Sound of Silent Film', in Writing, Medium, Machine: Modern Technographies, ed. Sean Pryor and David Trotter (London: Open Humanities Press, 2016), 84-105 (http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/books/titles/writing-medium-machine/)
- 'Correcting the Page Order of Wordsworth's Dove Cottage Manuscript 13', in Notes and Queries 63.2 (June 2016) (http://nq.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/gjw035?
ijkey=7Kt04kwoWXgwMvd&keytype=ref; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/notesj/gjw035) - 'George Eliot, Metre, and the Matter of Ideas: The Yale Poetry Notebook', in ELH, 82.4 (Winter 2015), 1179-1211 (https://muse.jhu.edu/article/603126, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1353/elh.2015.0036)
- 'Wordsworth's Prosody', in The Oxford Handbook of William Wordsworth, ed. Richard Gravil and Daniel Robinson (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), 516-531 (http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199662128.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199662128-e-32)
- 'Scholarship, Spontaneity, and The Excursion Book IV', in The Excursion at 200, a special issue of The Wordsworth Circle, XLV.2 (Spring 2014), 119-125 (https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-378556295/scholarship-spontaneity-and-the-excursion-book-iv)
- 'Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the "strain of words | That shall be life" in Dove Cottage Manuscript 28', in Textual Practice, 28:5 (2014), 901-928 (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0950236X.2013.858073, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0950236X.2013.858073)
- 'Nostalgia, Coming Home, and the End of the Poem: On Reading William Wordsworth's Ode. Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood', in Memory Studies, 3.3 (2010), 1-11 (http://mss.sagepub.com/content/3/3/204.full.pdf+html, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1750698010364812)
- 'T. S. Eliot's Ghostly Footfalls: The Versification of Four Quartets', in Cambridge Quarterly, 35.4 (2005), 365-385 (http://camqtly.oxfordjournals.org/content/34/4/365.full.pdf+html, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/camqtly/bfi039)