India Harris, Newnham
Course: English
Supervisor: Dr Fiona Green
Dissertation Title: The Atlantic Archipelagic Lyric
Biographical Information
I studied English at Girton College, and then for a master's at Queen's University, Belfast. My PhD research looks at the Atlantic littoral in twentieth-century lyric poetry from Britain, Ireland, and the United States -- specifically the work of Elizabeth Bishop, Louis MacNeice, and W.S. Graham.
Research Interests
Poetry and poetics; lyric; islands, shorelines, horizons, clouds; ecocriticism and the environmental humanities; rhetoric; narratology; contemporary fiction; form.
Selected Publications
Review: Ireland, Literature, and the Coast: Seatangled by Nicholas Allen, Oxford Research in English, Issue 12 (Summer 2021)
''Chiastic Ticks': Narrative and Temporality in the Works of J.M. Barrie and Lewis Carroll', The Durham English Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Winter 2016)