National and International Societies:
British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
The British Association for Romantic Studies
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Research Resources
English Faculty Library subject guide: 1660-1870
A guide to electronic and print resources available to members of the faculty of English and the University of Cambridge.
C18-L: Resources for Eighteenth-Century Studies across the disciplines
A forum for eighteenth-century researchers, with resource links and bibliographies. Subscribe to the list in order to send and receive daily notices on matters relevant to eighteenth-century studies.
London Lives 1690 to 1800: Crime, Poverty and Social Policy in the Metropolis
An online collection of archives including criminal registers, parish records, hospital admissions data and the records of guilds and charities, which provide information on eighteenth-century London, with a particular emphasis on plebeian Londoners.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Archive
A fully searchable archive of the Royal Society’s journal publications: with all papers more than 70 years old available to view for free.
William Wordsworth’s “The Prelude”
A reading by members of the Faculty of English at Cambridge.
Romantic Circles
A collection of original research, reviews, resources and scholarly editions devoted to Romantic-period literature and culture.
Eighteenth-Century Book Tracker
An index of freely-available digital facsimiles of eighteenth-century texts, cross-referenced with standard bibliographical reference sources.
The Poetry of the Gentleman’s Magazine, 1731-1800
An electronic database of titles, authors, and first lines.
Dissenting Academies Online
Information regarding dissenting higher education from the late seventeenth to the late nineteenth centuries, including an extensive database, encyclopedia and historic library catalogue.
The William Blake Archive
Illuminated books, drawings, paintings, engravings, and more.
Corvey Women Writers on the Web
A database containing material on 417 women writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and 1,071 literary works published by them, based on the holdings of the Corvey Library.
British Fiction 1800-1829: A Database of Production, Circulation & Reception
Includes anecdotal records, circulating-library catalogues, newspaper advertisements, reviews, and subscription lists.
The Old Bailey Online
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 1674-1913, is a fully searchable edition of the largest body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people ever published, containing 197,745 criminal trials held at London’s central criminal court.