Seminars will take place at the IHR, John S Cohen Room (N203), starting at 17:30. For more information see All Welcome.
10 October 2016 Round Table: New Directions in the Study of Liturgy. Helen Gittos (Kent), Eyal Poleg (QMUL) and Tessa Webber (Cambridge), chaired by Sarah Hamilton (Exeter)
27th October 2016 Cecilia Gaposchkin (Dartmouth), Liturgy and Devotion in the Aftermath of the Fourth Crusade: Nivelon of Soissons, the Relics of 1204, and the Cathedral of Soissons (Joint session with European History 1150-1550)
*** Note – this seminar will take place on a Thursday, IHR Wolfson II Room***
5 December 2016 Kati Ihnat (Nijmegen), Can We Speak of a National Liturgy? The Methodological Challenges of Studying the Old Hispanic Rite
30 January 2017 Julia Exarchos (Ghent) & Sarah Hamilton (Exeter), Tracing Political, Social and Cultural Transformations through the Liturgy
13 March 2017 John Harper (Bangor) Evidence for the Use of Salisbury in the Twelfth Century (provisional title)
Convenors: Nicolas Bell (Cambridge), Matthew Champion (Birkbeck), Helen Gittos (Kent), Sarah Hamilton (Exeter), Kati Ihnat (Nijmegen), Eyal Poleg (QMUL), Matthew Cheung Salisbury (Oxford), Elizabeth Solopova (Oxford)
Contact: Helen Gittos ( & Eyal Poleg (