CFP (29 May): International Medieval Society Workshop

IMS workshopsThe last of the three workshops organised by the International Medieval Society, in partnership with several universities and learned societies, and focusing on Image, will take place in Paris on Friday 29 May 2015.

The workshops aim at developing academic exchange, promoting the crossing of disciplinary boundaries within Medieval Studies and building on past and current works to elaborate new practical and theoretical tools for research, through the contribution and collaboration of French and international academics.

Thanks to the support of the Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature-Medium Aevum, we are able to help with the funding of the travel expenses for UK postgraduate students (up to £200). If you would like to apply, please email the organiser with a CV including the name of two referees and a short justification for support.

L’Image, le vendredi 29 mai 2015, 16h30-18h30

Intervenants : P. Boucheron (Université Paris I), H. Maguire (John Hopkins University), J. Wirth (Université de Genève)

Lieu : Salle de conférence extérieure de la maison de la recherche, Université Paris 3, 4 rue des Irlandais, Paris 5e

Métro : Cardinal Lemoine (10), Place Monge (7), Odéon (4), Saint-Michel-ND (4, RER C), Luxembourg (RER B)

Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles. Inscription : i.fabry-tehranchi[at]