Richard Beadle: ‘A Shot at Henry Bradshaw’ (25 Feb)


The Sandars Readership in Bibliography was instituted in 1895 with a bequest of £2000 left to the University by Mr Samuel Sandars (above) of Trinity College (1837-1894), and continues today in the annual series of Sandars Lectures.

Richard Beadle, Professor of Medieval English Literature and Palaeography, will be giving the Sandars Lectures this year on Henry Bradshaw and the Foundations of Codicology: 

25 February: ‘A shot at Henry Bradshaw: the bibliographer as sleuth’

4 March: ‘Bradshaw’s Methods’

11 March: ‘Bradshaw’s guides: close encounters with manuscripts

Lectures take place in the Milstein Seminar Rooms at Cambridge University Library, beginning at 5pm.

For further details, please visit