This Wednesday (20 Jan), Dr Aditi Nafde from the University of Newcastle will be giving a talk at the Medieval Graduate Research Seminar on ‘From Print to Manuscript’.
After the advent of print in England, the earliest forms of printed books were largely imitations of manuscripts. However, as the century drew to a close, new print practices began to have a marked effect on the ongoing production of manuscripts. This paper will examine the effect of new print practices on the production of manuscripts after 1473. Looking closely at two examples, Oxford, St John’s College 266 and Bodleian Library Hatton 51, both manuscripts copied from print exemplars, the paper will examine how book producers and readers responded to each of the two formats, whether the new medium of print began to alter readers’ demands, and how far post-print manuscript production was changed to fit a shifting market.
The paper will begin promptly at 5.15pm in the English Faculty Board Room, followed by drinks and questions. Biscuits will be available in the Board Room from 4.45pm., so please bring along a mug of tea and catch up with fellow medievalists. After the paper all are welcome to join the speaker for dinner at Sala Thong (Thai restaurant). For any enquiries beforehand, please contact Alex da Costa (ad666).