
1046 by ordal or by oth / By sort: Criseyde offers to put her credibility to the test of trial by ordeal, by compurgation, or by sortilege. Since trial by ordeal had been abolished in the English legal system in 1219 (i.e. some 165 years before T&C was written), and would be known to Chaucer’s audience only from its occurrences in literature, what is the effect of Criseyde’s offer? The use of compurgation (getting supporters also to swear oaths as to the accused’s credibility) or the use of divination did continue to be practised.

1076 He wende it lost: Troilus thinks he’s blown it – but what is ‘al that labour he hath don before’?

1084-5 of this game, / Whan al is wist, than am I nought to blame: how truthful is Troilus being? Does he himself know everything?   How is ‘game’ to be translated here? How is the word ‘game’ used throughout the text?

1088 every spirit his vigour in knette: each of the three vital spirits contracted its energy back into itself (in heart, liver, and brain), with the effect that Troilus faints. Do you see a reason why Chaucer doesn’t simply say that Troilus fainted?

1098 ‘O thef, is this a mannes herte?’: (literally: ‘Oh you wretch, is this the heart of a man?’). How does this reproach fit with the poem’s concern with Troilus and masculinity more largely?