
1309   ‘Welcome, my knyght, my pees, my suffisaunce!’: what would you emphasize in these terms in which Criseyde greets her lover before the consummation?

1324-30 though I kan nat tellen al … Yet have I seyd … his sentence: what is the narrator claiming in this stanza to have conveyed and changed from his source?

1335-6 To encresse or maken dymynucioun / Of my langage: is it clear what aspects of his language the narrator has in mind?

1353-4 ‘O eyen clere, / It weren ye that wroughte me swich wo’: how does Troilus’s comment reflect the role of looks and looking in T&C?

1356-7 ‘Though ther be mercy … to fynde!’: [although mercy is inscribed in your looks, God knows, the text is very difficult to discover]. How does Troilus’s remark relate to the theme of the lady’s ‘mercy’ in the poem?

1368 And pleyinge entrechaungeden hir rynges: it has been suggested that the lovers understand their relationship as a form of clandestine marriage, but why would they exchange rings here ‘pleyinge’?

1370-2 a broche … Criseyde hym yaf:   what is the later significance of a brooch in the action?

1373-93 Lord, trowe ye a coveytous …?: a briefer comparison between lovers and those who love gold is included here in Chaucer’s source, Boccaccio’s Filostrato, but why does Chaucer retain and intensify it in his three stanzas?

1389-91   Midas … Crassus: in which other great poem might Chaucer find the pairing of these two archetypes of avarice, and what does the allusion to them add to the context in T&C?