Kathy Prendergast, ‘City Drawings’ 2005.
What is needed as a precondition of art making seems to be something like an atmosphere of spontaneity—-a situation of beginning to begin that can repeat itself without ever repeating the same consequences” Susan Stewart The Poet’s Freedom. 1.
How can we bring about such conditions for our writing?
(write two lists: one general and one specific to you).
What might it have to do with site, situation, place?
Consider Susan Howe’s ‘Hinge Picture’ http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/172009
and the relationship between space as a concept and as a structuring device for the poem.
Write a poem that walks around, crawls through or takes up residence in one of the poems (handouts) by Quarles, Vaughan, Traherne, Marvell, Winchilsea, Blake.