And the Word was made flesh: I


* * * Christmas Greetings from the CMT! * * *

‘And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth’ (John 1: 14).

As a Christmas treat, the CMT blog brings its readers a miniature exhibition inspired by this verse from the prologue to the gospel of John. From its very opening, the prologue is rhetorically framed around the ‘Word’ (logos in Greek; verbum in the Latin of the Vulgate) as the link between God and creation. Verse 14, one of the most familiar phrases of the entire New Testament, articulates the mystery of the Incarnation, of the divine logos taking on human flesh. Since the earliest days of Christianity, this direct association between Christ and the Word, between human flesh and scripture, has profoundly shaped Christian notions of language, and metaphorical thinking about the body of Christ in relation to the book as material text. The objects and texts brought together over the next twelve days each respond directly to this verse in some way, and explore some of its material and spiritual implications.

Come back tomorrow for exhibit no. 1!

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