Dr Fred Parker, Clare




Biographical Information

Fred Parker is a Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge, where he directs studies in English.

Research Interests

Eighteenth-century and Romantic literature; relations between literature and philosophy (epistemology, ethics, Enlightenment); reception of classical literature in the eighteenth century, esp. mock-heroic; Milton; theories and representations of selfhood in relation to life-writing. Currently working on the figure of the witness in tragedy (mostly Shakespeare, but ranging widely); a book is forthcoming.

Selected Publications

  • Fred Parker, 'Love’s Object, or, Unrequitable Love: reflections on the literature of passion between Rousseau and Percy Shelley', Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, 36: 41-64 (2023). Available at: https://doi.org/10.5944/etfiv.36.2023
  • Fred Parker, 'Johnson's Lives of the Poets: a guided tour', in The New Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson, ed. Greg Clingham, CUP, 2022.
  • Fred Parker, ‘Byron's 'Popifying' : Twice-Told Tales’, in Byron among the English Poets, ed. Clare Bucknell and Matthew Ward, OUP, 2021.
  • Fred Parker, ‘Addison’s Modesty, or, The Essayist as Spectator’, in Joseph Addison: Tercentenary Essays, ed. Paul Davis, OUP, 2020.
  • Fred Parker, ‘The sociable philosopher: David Hume and the philosophical essay’, in On Essays: Montaigne to the Present, ed. Kathryn Murphy and Thomas Karshan, OUP, 2020.
  • Fred Parker, ‘Comedy’, in Blake in Context, ed. Sarah Haggarty, CUP, 2019.
  • Fred Parker, On Declaring Love: Eighteenth-Century Literature and Jane Austen, Routledge, 2018.
  • Fred Parker, ‘Gibbon’s Style in the Decline and Fall’, in The Cambridge Companion to Edward Gibbon, ed. Karen O’Brien, CUP, 2018.
  • Fred Parker, ‘Open Borders: Paradise Lost, Politics, and Poetry’ in The Use of English 68.3 (2017).
  • Fred Parker, ‘Philosophy’, in Samuel Johnson in Context, ed. Jack Lynch, CUP, 2011.
  • Fred Parker, The Devil as Muse: Blake, Byron and the Adversary, Baylor University Press, 2011
  • Fred Parker, "'We are perpetually moralists': Johnson and moral philosophy", Samuel Johnson After 300 Years, ed. Greg Clingham and Philip Smallwood, CUP, 2009
  • Fred Parker, "Classic Simplicity", Translation and the Classic, ed. Vanda Zajko and Aleka Lianeri, OUP, 2009
  • Fred Parker, "What matters in English Literature?", Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 4.2, 2005, 137-48
  • Fred Parker, "'Talking Scripture out of Church': Parson Adams and the Practicality of Translation", Translation and Literature 14.2, 2005, 179-95
  • Fred Parker, Scepticism and Literature: An Essay on Pope, Hume, Sterne and Johnson, OUP, 2003, 290
  • Fred Parker, "Johnson and the Lives of Poets", The Cambridge Quarterly XXIX, no. 4, 2000, 323-37
  • Fred Parker, "Shakespeare's Argument with Montaigne", The Cambridge Quarterly XXVIII No 1, 1999, 1-18
  • Fred Parker, "The Skepticism of Johnson's Rasselas", The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson, Cambridge University Press, 1997, 127-42, ch. 9
  • Fred Parker, Johnson's Shakespeare, OUP, 1989