Dr Tamara Follini, Clare
Research Interests
Nineteenth and twentieth century British and American literature; nineteenth century transatlantic exchanges, autobiography and life-writing, memory and modern narrative, the culture of modern museums and collecting, Henry James.
General Editor, The Cambridge Edition of the Complete Fiction of Henry James (Cambridge University Press)
Selected Publications
- Editor, The Wings of the Dove, The Cambridge Edition of the Complete Fiction of Henry James (forthcoming)
- 'Into the Wood: Dante, Byron and James in "Ravenna", Viatica [En ligne], n°HS3, mis à jour le : 29/01/2020, URL : https://revues-msh.uca.fr:443/viatica/index.php?id=1152.
- 'Watteau's Fan: Henry James and the Lightness of Style', Heritage and Transmission: Reading Henry James in the Twenty-First Century, Eds. Annick Duperray, Adrian Harding, Dennis Tredy (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019)
- 'The Distractions of John Cheever', in Writing for the New Yorker: Critical Essays on an American Periodical, Ed. Fiona Green (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015).
- 'Speaking Monuments: Henry James, Walt Whitman, and the Civil War Statues of Augustus Saint-Gaudens', Journal of American Studies, 48:1 (2014), 1-25.
- 'Lillie Bliss (1864-1931): An Independent Collector', in Power Underestimated: American Women Art Collectors, Eds. Inge Reist and Rosella Mamoli Zorzi (Venezia: Masilio Editori, 2011), 143-161.
- 'Museums and Exhibitions', Henry James in Context, Ed. David McWhirter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 234-245.
- 'James, Ruskin and The Stones of Venice', Tracing Henry James: Proceedings of the James Society Conference (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2008), 355-373.
- 'Habitations of Modernism: Henry James's New York, 1907', Cambridge Quarterly Special Issue: Henry James in the Modern World 38, Eds. Tamara L. Follini and Philip Horne, 36 (November 2007), 30-46
- ' "A geometry of his own": Temporality, Referentiality, and Ethics in the Autobiographies', Palgrave Advances in Henry James Studies, Ed. Peter Rawlings (London and New York:Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 212-238
- 'James, Dickens, and the Indirections of Influence', Henry James Review 25 (No.3), 2004, 228-238
- 'Discretion, Devotion and the Founders of MoMA', Before Peggy Guggenheim: American Women Art Collectors, Ed. Rosella Mamoli Zorzi (Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 2001), 151-170
- 'Improvising the Past in A Small Boy and Others', Time and Narrative, Millennium Edition of the Yearbook of English Studies XXX (2000), 106-123