The Judith E Wilson Fund Committee is keen to consider applications for the funding of poetry, performance and theatre-related events and activities including those that take place in the Judith E Wilson Drama Studio, and more widely Cambridge, and to support events that are free and open to all.
The maximum grant for any single event and/ or activity is typically £500:00 but larger grants may sometimes be awarded. You are advised to discuss such possibilities with the Chair of the Committee. In exceptional circumstances the Committee may decide to award a larger grant.
Budget Guidelines
Applications requesting financial assistance for support with the following will be considered – in particular the costs associated with hosting an event or activity, and/or specific project expenses (for example the costs associated with the research and development of a new performance piece or poetry or performance workshop). Please ensure that you retain receipts for all the expenses outlined in your budget.
Fees for visiting poets, speakers, performers, workshop leaders* (Honoraria)
The Judith E Wilson uses the following two-tier system in recognition of seniority; expertise / experience; length of the working day and other relevant factors in order to determine the appropriate Tier level. Tier A is the standard payment and Tier B is the higher rate for particularly distinguished and / or experienced writers and artists, requiring justification within the application.
Honoraria rate for poetry reading, event speakers, performers, workshop leaders
Event or Half-day workshop fee
£175:00 |
£250:00 |
Full day fee
£350:00 | £500:00 |
Payment of Honoraria – e.g., visiting poets, speakers, performers, workshop leaders: It is ESSENTIAL that you check their payment arrangements AT THE EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY to ensure that any supplier set-up and tax clearance is completed as soon as possible to avoid delays to payments. Please be aware that Central Finance are responsible for the processing of this documentation.
*Their associated accommodation / evening dining allowances
University of Cambridge Subsistence guidance –
Evening dining allowance – £28:00
Lunch dining allowance – £11:00
Accommodation allowance – £130:00
Please note that the above rates provide the set limit and are not the target for said expenditure in these areas.
Travel expenses for artists and workshop leaders*:
All travel should be standard/off-peak fares bought in as timely a manner as possible. Please ensure that all receipts are retained for English Accounts.
Publicity, promotional and/or workshop materials.
Specific equipment – hire or purchase.
Production costings (set, props, costumes).
Venue/rehearsal room hire
– if applicable. You are encouraged to consider the suitability of the Judith E Wilson Drama Studio as a possible venue for your event/activity.
Access costs – making an activity accessible to a wide range of people.
Applications submitted with a full budget and seeking funding support for match-funding towards the costs of events, projects and / or initiatives will also be considered.
Please note that the following are not eligible for funding:
- Applicants should bear in mind that the Committee cannot fund college societies on a one-off or ongoing basis but will always consider applications for Studio events which are free and open to all, particularly if they are concerned with performance, theatre and / or poetry.
- Travel bursaries.
- Refreshments – including wine.
- Speaker / workshop / performance fees for Cambridge academics including Postgraduate students.
How to apply for small grants
Please write to the Committee via studio@english.cam.ac.uk with a brief outline of your proposal and a detailed budget.
The budget should indicate any other sources of funding, and how much you are requesting from the Committee.
All submissions must be received by the application closing date, Friday 31st January 2025, to be considered for funding at the Lent Term meeting of the Judith E Wilson Fund Committee Meeting on 17th February 2025.
You are encouraged to consult both University and Government Guidance concerning health and safety to ensure that your application is able to demonstrate appropriate safe practice measures.