Budget Guidelines – Practice-Led Research Grants




Applications requesting financial assistance for support with the following will be considered – in particular the costs associated with hosting an event or activity, and/or specific project expenses (for example the costs associated with the research and development of a new performance piece or poetry or performance workshop).  Please ensure that you retain receipts for all the expenses outlined in your budget.


  • Fees for visiting poets, speakers, performers, workshop leaders* (Honoraria)

The Judith E Wilson uses the following two-tier system in recognition of seniority; expertise / experience; length of the working day and other relevant factors in order to determine the appropriate Tier level.  Tier A is the standard payment and Tier B is the higher rate for particularly distinguished and / or experienced writers and artists, requiring justification within the application.


Honoraria rate for poetry reading, event speakers, performers, workshop leaders



Event or Half-day workshop fee







Full day fee






Payment of Honoraria – e.g., visiting poets, speakers, performers, workshop leaders:  It is ESSENTIAL that you check their payment arrangements AT THE EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY to ensure that any supplier set-up and tax clearance is completed as soon as possible to avoid delays to payments.  Please be aware that Central Finance are responsible for the processing of this documentation.


  • *Their associated accommodation / evening dining allowances

University of Cambridge Subsistence guidance –


Evening dining allowance – £28:00

Lunch dining allowance – £11:00

Accommodation allowance – £130:00

Please note that the above rates provide the set limit and are not the target for said expenditure in these areas.


  • Travel expenses for artists and workshop leaders*

All travel should be standard/off-peak fares bought in as timely a manner as possible.  Please ensure that all receipts are retained for English Accounts.




  • Research assistance is also an eligible expense.   Anyone engaged in this way should be paid at the University Pay Rate for a Grade 5 Research Assistant and would normally be employed (by the Faculty of English) via the temporary employment service.


  • Publicity, promotional and/or workshop materials


  • Specific equipment – hire or purchase


  • Production costings (set, props, costumes)


  • Venue/rehearsal room hire – if applicable. You are encouraged to consider the suitability of the Judith E Wilson Drama Studio as a possible venue for your event/activity.


  • Access costs – making an activity accessible to a wide range of people.


  • Applications submitted with a full budget and seeking funding support for match-funding or towards the costs of events, projects and / or initiatives will also be considered.


Please note that the following are not eligible for funding:

        1. Applicants should bear in mind that the Committee cannot fund college societies on a one-off or ongoing basis but will always consider applications for Studio events which are free and open to all, particularly if they are concerned with performance, theatre and / or poetry.

        2. Travel bursaries.

        3. Refreshments – including wine.

        4. Speaker / workshop / performance fees for Cambridge academics including Postgraduate students.