‘The places of early modern criticism‘, an interdisciplinary gathering of literary and art historical scholars convened by Dr Gavin Alexander (English), Dr Emma Gilby (French), and Dr Alexander Marr (History of Art).
Supported by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CRASSH), the Faculty of English and the Faculty of History of Art at the University of Cambridge.
‘This conference initiates a new discussion of early modern theoretical and critical thinking about literature and the visual arts. It does this by considering place, and by bringing different kinds of place into dialogue with each other. The places of early modern criticism are – among others – geographical (England, Scotland, Italy, France, the Low Countries, Spain, the New World), institutional (court, inns of court, academy, university, theatre), textual or material (painting, building, book, letter), generic (treatise, preface, proem, commentary, poem, work of fiction), and conceptual (the commonplaces of critical discourse). An international team of scholars of English and European literature and art history come together in this conference to look afresh at the scope of criticism, and at what happens on its margins; and to interrogate modern critical practices and disciplinary methods by investigating their history.’
Read a Storify summary here.