English Renaissance Poetics: An Online Bibliography of Texts and Sources – a £20k Cambridge Humanities Research Grants funded project lead by Dr Gavin Alexander ran from January to September 2014.
‘There has been too little engagement among literary scholars with early modern ways of thinking about imaginative literature. One major contributory factor is the difficulty of determining which classical and continental works (and in what textual forms) are sources for English writers and which merely analogues. This pilot project established the methodology, architecture, scope, and scale for an online database of the texts and sources of English poetics of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This is a new type of online bibliographical database: listing and describing not simply what works were printed in England, but what works we know were a part of intellectual culture, when, and where – because they are quoted, or lectured on, or included on syllabuses, or found in libraries assembled at the time.’ – Dr Gavin Alexander.