Bethany Dubow awarded the 2018 Kinsella Poetry Prize

Bethany Dubow, winner of the 2018 Kinsella Poetry Prize, and the 2018 adjudicators, Tim Cribb, Lee Ann Brown and Richard Partington

Bethany Dubow has been awarded the 2018 Kinsella Poetry Prize, hosted by Churchill College and the Cambridge English Faculty. The prize was judged by Lee Ann Brown, a practising poet and outgoing Judith E Wilson Poetry fellow, and Tim Cribb, fellow of Churchill College. The prize is open to all students in statu pupillari at the university. Last year it was won by Zoë Hitzig, whose poems have since been published in the LRB, New Yorker and New Statesman.

Bethany Dubow’s poem is called matter/growing/intimacy/root/degree/fingers, it is about slime mould, and is written as a sestina. If she thinks about it seriously, it is an attempt to tease an idea of cellular form into poetic form, to see if she can get prosodic rhythms to behave like slime mould ones.  Slime mould is a very fascinating organism

Bethany Dubow is a doctoral student in the Faculty of English and her research focuses on early modern poetry and the (non-Euclidean) geometries of poems, forms and poetic forms.
