Prof Clare Pettitt to give a plenary at the EsPrit Conference in Leeds in June:

The Leeds School of Arts, in partnership with the University of Central Lancashire, is delighted to host the 11th conference of the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit).

This year’s theme will explore the notion of belonging to a family, a local culture, or a national, regional, and international group, intrinsic to periodical studies.

If you have any questions about catering, travel or any other practical aspects of the conference, please contact the Leeds Beckett Events Team:

For queries about the content of the conference, contact Dr Mary Ikoniadou:

Conference fees

ESPRit members: £50

Non-membership: £80

You can find more information and register as an ESPRit member on the ESPRit website.
Clare Pettitt, Serial Revolutions 1848: Writing, Politics, Form
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)