Dr Jitka Štollová’s Exhibition on ‘Voices of Richard III’ opens in The West Hub, March 2024

Image credit: Charlotte Percival

The exhibition on Richard III, a result of a University-funded collaboration between Dr Jitka Štollová and Tiina Burton and Charlotte Percival, lecturers and artists from the Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts, opens today at the West Hub.

The exhibition blends modern and traditional media as it offers an insight into Richard’s mind in the last hours before his death at the Bosworth battlefield, as imagined by early modern, non-Shakespearean authors. An interactive film enables the visitors to assume the voice of Richard III and provides a unique, embodied experience that brings largely unknown 17th century texts to the 21st century audiences: it crosses the boundaries between the printed and the performed word, and between emotions and physicality (both able-bodies and Richard’s notoriously dis-abled one).

Image credit: Charlotte Percival

The exhibition also features pieces of ceramics made of clay collected at the battlefield, where hundreds of soldiers fought and were buried in 1485. These artefacts invoke, in an abstract way, the remains of the men who died in the battle, including Richard’s own body, unearthed in Leicester in 2013.

The project is part of Dr Štollová’s research project on the post-Shakespearean reception of Richard III.

The exhibition is open to the public until 27th March as part of the Cambridge Festival.
