‘Secondariness’: A Roundtable of the Neo-Latin Seminar, 31st May 2024, Faculty of English, SR/24, 2-6:30pm

Neo-Latin has often been perceived as a profoundly ‘secondary’ medium: temporally secondary, relative to classical Latin, and in terms of language acquisition; inventively and emotionally secondary, in its supposed reliance on allusion and received ideas; even qualitatively secondary, compared to both classical and vernacular creativity. Participants will address neo-Latin’s supposed secondariness from a range of perspectives and fields.


Welcome and introductory remarks by Katie Mennis (2pm)
Session 1: Position papers followed by general discussion (2:15-4pm)
  • Sheldon Brammall ‘Very, Very Secondary: Bembo’s De Virgilii Culice and the Play of Erudition’
  • Jack Colley ‘Secondary Sallust: Costanzo Felici and the Bellum Catilinae in the Early Cinquecento’
  • Philip Hardie ‘Secondariness and Golden Latin in Girolamo Vida’s De arte poetica’
  • Justin Haynes ‘Petrarch’s Exclusionary Secondariness in the Africa’
BREAK (4-4:30pm)
Session 2: Position papers followed by general discussion (4:30-6:30pm)
  • Anna Hartmann ‘The Death of Ajax and the Secondariness of Neo-Latin Translation’
  • Gesine Manuwald ‘Thomas Campion: a “primary” or a “secondary” poet?’
  • Katie Mennis ‘The New Poete in and ex tempore: Spenser’s Neo-Latin Style’
  • Leah Whittington ‘“Thy merit in supply”: Ben Jonson, Henry Savile, and the Paradoxes of Secondary Authorship’
Register to attend in person by emailing kamm5@cam.ac.uk – places limited. Register to attend online via this Zoom link: https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcuitrD4oHtI1oUZkzYzD39ibC-xN_bYR#/registration.