Prof. Michael D. Hurley @TrinCollCam will give the annual Religion and Literature lecture at the University of Notre Dame on 19th September

The annual Religion and Literature lecture is sponsored this year by The Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, the Nanovic Institute for European Studies and the Departments of Art/Art History/Design, English, Philosophy, Program of Liberal Studies, and Theology at the University of Notre Dame, together with the academic journal Religion & Literature, which also publishes the lecture.

Recent Religion and Literature lectures:

2022-2023: Judith Wolfe: “The Eschatological Imagination in Literature.”
2018-2019: Rowan Williams, “‘Relieved by Prayer’: Power, Shame, and Redemption in Shakespeare’s Drama.”
2015-2016: Shira Wolosky, “The Metaphysics of Language: Levinas on the Names of God.”
2014-2015: Robin Kirkpatrick, “The Pace of Praise: Might Theology Walk Together with Literature?”
2013-2014: Richard Strier, “Mind, Nature, Heterodoxy, and Iconoclasm in The Winter’s Tale.”
2012-2013: Marilynne Robinson, “Oh, the Humanities! Education and Democracy.”
2011-2012: Graham Ward, “Read to Live: Miracle and Language.”
2010-2011: James Simpson, “No Brainer: The Early Modern Tragedy of Torture.”

Professor Hurley will lecture on: “Is Poetry Divinely Inspired?”


