Prof. Michael D. Hurley @TrinCollCam will give the St Margaret of Scotland Annual Lecture @univofstandrews on 13 Nov. 2024

Image credit: photograph of St Salvator’s Chapel, University of St Andrews

The St Margaret of Scotland Annual Lecture Series commemorates the life and legacy of Margaret of Scotland. The Lecture Series is an annual event, focusing on intersections between Catholicism and theology or the arts. It is attached to an annual choral Mass at St Salvator’s Chapel, which celebrates links between the University’s School of Divinity and Canmore, the Catholic Chaplaincy in St Andrews. The Mass will be presided over by his Grace, Archbishop Cushley, and sung by St Salvator’s Chapel choir. A reception in Parliament Hall hosted by the Principal’s Office will directly follow.

For inquiries contact Dr Rebekah Lamb:
