Dr Robert Macfarlane awarded the E M Forster Award for Literature

Dr Robert Macfarlane has been awarded the E M Forster Award for Literature by the American Academy of Arts and Letters. The award will be made in New York on May 17th. http://artsandletters.org/about/ E M Forster (Foreign Honorary Member of the Academy) bequeathed the American publication rights and royalties of his posthumous novel Maurice to […]

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Ananya Mishra receives Charles Wallace India Trust Award

Ananya Mishra, a Graduate Student in the Faculty of English, has been awarded a Scholarship by the Charles Wallace India Trust (CWIT): http://www.wallace-trusts.org.uk/cwt_india.html   The CWIT Scholarship is awarded to outstanding scholars whose research proposals are both exciting and ground-breaking.

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Professor Christopher Page awarded the Nicholas Bessaraboff Prize for ‘The Guitar in Tudor England’ (CUP, 2015)

Christopher Page’s recent book The Guitar in Tudor England (CUP, 2015) has been awarded the Nicholas Bessaraboff Prize given annually by the American Musical Instrument Society for the best book in English in furtherance of the Society’s purpose: to promote the understanding of all aspects of the history, design, construction, and usage of musical instruments in all cultures […]

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Reading Across Time: Literature As Metaphysical Insurrection, Azareen Van Der Vliet Oloomi, 10 May 2017

Reading Across Time: Literature as Metaphysical Insurrection A Public Reading & Discussion with acclaimed Iranian-American author Azareen Van Der Vliet Oloomi The author will read from her latest work as well as her upcoming novel, Call Me Zebra, followed by a discussion on literature, exile and revolt. Q & A will follow. Wine and juice will be served. WEDNESDAY, May 10th, […]

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Poetry Reading: Jocelyn Spaar and Kayo Chingonyi, Judith E Wilson Drama Studio, 7.30pm, 1 May 2017

Poetry reading: Jocelyn Spaar and Kayo Chingonyi May 1st, 7.30pm Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio, Faculty of English, 9 West Road, Cambridge Hosted by Sophie Seita https://www.facebook.com/events/652932241574328/ Jocelyn Spaar is a poet, translator, artist, and curator living and working in New York.  Her poems, drawings, and translations have appeared in Bridge, Gigantic, The Magazine of the Artist’s Institute, The […]

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