Jill Damatac gives a paper at ‘Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: the consequence of emigration for sending countries’, CRASSH Interdisciplinary Conference, 27-28 January 2022

Jill Damatac’s paper, ‘Literatures of the left behind: Missing mama and papa in the Philippines’, examines poetry, short stories, and novels focusing on family members left behind by parents working overseas as part of the Philippine labor export industry.  It is presented on the second day of the conference, Friday 28 January, in the closing […]

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Dr Mathelinda Nabugodi wins the Deborah Rogers Foundation Writers Award

Mathelinda Nabugodi, has won the 2021 Deborah Rogers Foundation Writers Award for her “engaging and fascinating” work of non-fiction The Trembling Hand: Reflections of a Black Woman in the Romantic Archive. The Award gives £10,000 to an unpublished writer with outstanding literary talent, to enable them to complete a first book, either fiction or non-fiction. Dr […]

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Professor Sarah Dillon was on BBC Radio 3’s ‘Free Thinking’ to discuss ‘The Day of the Triffids’, Thursday 2 December 2021

Professor Sarah Dillon joined presenter Matthew Sweet to discuss the resonance of John Wyndham’s novel, The Day of the Triffids, 60 years on from its publication. Other guests were writers Amy Binns and Tanvir Bush, and broadcaster Peter White. Sarah Dillon is a Radio 3 New Generation Thinker. Her most recent book is ‘Storylistening: Narrative […]

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