CAMBRIDGE GROUP FOR IRISH STUDIES The group meets several times a term, generally on Tuesday evenings at 8.45 in the Parlour, Magdalene College. All are welcome, to individual sessions or the entire series. The proceedings are informal, questions can be asked by those attending or not. The first session of this year is scheduled, unusually, on a Wednesday: 28 October 8.45 p.m. The Parlour Magdalene College ALL WELCOME Wine and whiskey served FRANK McGUINNESS, ‘Rewriting the Easter Rising: Sean O’Casey’s /The Plough and the Stars/’ Frank McGuinness is a playwright and poet - author of, among other works, /Observe the Sons of Ulster Marching Towards the Somme/, /Mutabilitie/, and /Someone Who'll Watch Over Me/. He is the 2014 recipient of the Irish Pen Award for Outstanding Contribution to Irish Literature. Any questions to jk10023
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